rules. Devas instead of referring the matter to the senior management for resolution or notifying Antrix, unilaterally approached the ICC with a request to initiate arbitration. Consequently, ICC wrote to…

Rules 2016 with a 6-month timeframe for its completion. A tranche of the oral hearing (concerning evidence taking by witness conferencing), was heard virtually with about 19 participants (comprising the

…withdrawn.1)For instance, ICC Rules, Articles 37(5) and 37(6); LCIA Rules, Article 24(4); SIAC Rules, Article 34(6); ICDR Rules, Article 36(3); SCC Rules, Article 51(5); DIS Rules, Article 35(4). This raises…

…new rules could potentially establish the duty to disclose professional interactions which would otherwise not raise questions on the independence and impartiality of the adjudicators. Sweeping disclosure obligations can create…

…clause of its Arbitration Rules (“CBMA Rules”) and the secrecy, found on article 13, paragraph 6, of the Brazilian Arbitration Act (“BAA” – Law no. 9.307/1996) and also on article…

…decides to change its legislation on remedies all together (a concern already voiced by the IBA in its 2015 fact-correcting statement on ISDS)? In an integrated European legal system, could…