Early last summer I discussed the idea for a blog on international commercial arbitration with Gary Born, one that would feature posts of the highest possible quality. Later that summer I bumped into Roger Alford at the annual ITA Workshop in Dallas and realised that he was considering the very same idea and had already talked to Luke Peterson about launching such a blog. In the end, we all decided to join forces, with Roger as managing editor.
We agreed that the blog should include frequent, high quality discussions on international arbitration in its broadest sense, thus including private and public arbitration. We specifically did not want to talk shop or to gossip. And although we always love to hear of the dealings and experiences of the established group of arbitration specialists, we also wanted the blog to offer a forum for “new” voices with diverse backgrounds.
In order to achieve these goals, we knew that the people we selected as our contributors would be crucial. We are extremely proud to have brought together such a great and varied team of contributors. In addition to the people and organisations listed on the left, we will, from time to time, also invite guest bloggers, who will blog for limited periods of time.
Kluwer Law International is very honoured to facilitate this blog. We strive to be the premier publisher for international arbitration, publishing the most comprehensive arbitration database, leading arbitration books and journals, and of course the ICCA publications. With this interactive publication we believe we have made our offering even more complete. We hope that this blog will become the forum for high quality discussions on arbitration. But mostly we hope that you will enjoy reading the posts, joining in the discussions, or perhaps do some blogging yourself. The floor is yours!
Gwen de Vries, Publishing Director Kluwer Law International
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