We are pleased to announce the event “The EU and investment arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty” a conference organised by the Centre of European and International Legal Affairs (CEILA) and supported by the Energy Charter Secretariat. The event will take place in London on the 11th & 12th of February, hosted in the Queen Mary University of London premises.
This conference moves away from the BITs discussion and aims to bring legal experts, practitioners and policy makers to discuss the interaction of EU law with investment arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty. The objective is to set out and assess the legal and practical arrangements, which govern the involvement of the European Union (EU) and its Member States in investment arbitration under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). It aims to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date coverage of the topic and explore the broader implications of the application of the investment provisions of the ECT on i) the integrity of EU law and ii) international investment law and, in light of the above, iii) assess the added value of the ECT for energy investments.
Gloria Alvarez, Queen Mary Research Fellow and Kluwer Blog Associate Editor, will be participating as special rapporteur for this event. Her reports will be shared here for all our Kluwer Arbitration Blog readers.
The conference will be featuring:
Dr Urban Rusnak Secretary General of the Energy Charter Secretariat
Dr Angelos Dimopoulos, Queen Mary University of London
Professor Loukas Mistelis, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Matteo Barra, Energy Charter Secretariat
Professor Christian Tietje, University of Halle
Christer Söderlund, Vinge
Markus Burgstaller, Hogan Lovells
Dr Pedro Claros, Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira
Dr Alejandro Carballo Leyda, Energy Charter Secretariat
Dr Petra Nemeckova, European Commission
Dr Constanze Von Papp, Keele University
Dr Andres Delgado, Durham University
Dr Violeta Moreno-Lax, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Robert Basedow, OECD
Dr Catharine Titi, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and CREDIMI, University of Burgundy
Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Queen Mary University of London
Colin Brown, European Commission
Dr Martins Paparinskis, University College London
Professor Panos Koutrakos, City University London
Professor Rafael Leal Arcas, Queen Mary University of London
Dr Anna DeLuca, Bocconi University
Professor Leigh Hancher, Allen & Overy, Tilburg University
Professor Peter Cameron, University of Dundee
Dr Mavluda Sattorova, University of Liverpool
Professor Catherine Kessedjian, University of Panthéon-Assas, Paris II
Ms Maiko Meguro, Minisitry of Economy Trade and Industry, Japan
Click here for the full programme and registration.
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