Here in London, it seems there is no end to the number of Brexit conferences one may attend. But as far as I know, there has yet to be one addressing the question of whether Brexit may give rise to viable investment arbitration claims against the United Kingdom. So on May 30, 2017 the University of Notre Dame and Volterra Fietta will host a debate on this question.
The panel will include:
Roger Alford, Notre Dame Law School
Markus Burgstaller, Hogan Lovells
Luis González García, Matrix Chambers
Dan Sarooshi, Oxford University and Essex Court Chambers
Jeremy Sharpe, Shearman & Sterling
Suzanne Spears, Notre Dame Law School and Volterra Fietta
The location is the University of Notre Dame, 1-4 Suffolk Street, London, SW1Y 4HG. The event begins at 6:00 pm with a reception afterward.
If you are interested in registering, please RSVP to
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I certainly think there is scope for actions. Remember that the aim is not to win, but to present a case plausible enough to extract a settlement.