As announced at its Annual Meeting and 29th Workshop in Dallas, the Institute of Transnational Arbitration (ITA) is relaunching our young (under 40) practitioners’ group, now called Young ITA. This new initiative will focus on expanding the global footprint and profile of the group and ITA, and on creating new leadership opportunities for young arbitration practitioners.
We are happy to announce three members of the Young ITA leadership team for the 2017-2019 term, as well as a number of new positions that are now open for application.
Young ITA New Leadership for the 2017-2019 term
The incoming Chair of the Young ITA is Silvia M. Marchili. Silvia is a partner in King & Spalding’s International Arbitration practice, and specializes in complex international arbitration cases involving investment as well as commercial claims. Ms. Marchili Silvia handles international arbitration and litigation matters involving Latin America and Africa, and a variety of sectors, including oil and gas, power, construction, mining, air transportation, and infrastructure. An expert in investment arbitration, Ms. Marchili coauthored, with R. Doak Bishop, the treatise Annulment Under the ICSID Convention.
The incoming Vice-Chair of the Young ITA is Elizabeth McKee Devaney, Senior Corporate Counsel – Litigation for Occidental Petroleum Corp., where she handles a variety of complex commercial litigation and manages Oxy’s international arbitration matters. Prior to joining Oxy, Ms. Devaney worked at Vinson & Elkins and Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan where she handled a variety of litigation matters spanning numerous industries and matter types.
The incoming Communications Chair of the Young ITA is Robert Reyes Landicho. Mr. Landicho is an Associate in Vinson & Elkins’ Houston Office, and has represented clients from a variety of sectors in investor-State disputes and commercial arbitrations. In U.S. courts, Mr. Landicho has experience with the U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, act of state doctrine, and questions of jurisdiction over non-U.S. domiciled parties.
New Leadership Opportunities and How to Apply
The Young ITA is actively seeking applications for new Young ITA leadership positions:
• A Thought Leadership Chair, who will:
– lead the Young ITA Award review and selection process,
– review and edit Young ITA contributions to publications, and
– identify topics to be addressed at Young ITA events and in the Young ITA LinkedIn Group/Forum.
• A Mentorship Program Chair, who will coordinate the Young ITA Mentorship Program.
• Eight Regional Chairs – One for each of the following regions: North America, South America (Spanish-speaking jurisdictions), Brazil, Mexico and Central America, United Kingdom, Continental Europe, Africa, and Asia – who will:
– serve as the Young ITA regional ambassador, and
– organize #YOUNGITATALKS events in the region.
The applications deadline is September 8, 2017. For more information about these positions and how to apply, please click here.
Please direct any queries to the Young ITA New Leadership Team for the 2017-2019 term: Young ITA Chair Silvia Marchili, Vice-Chair Elizabeth Devaney, or Communications Chair Robert Reyes Landicho.
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