Earlier this year, the Bombay High Court  in  Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. v. Shilpi Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (“Balmer Lawrie Decision”) reviewed an application to stay the enforcement of an arbitral award for payment of money (“Money Award”). The award debtor (“Applicant”) had already provided a 100% bank guarantee for the Money Award amount (plus…

Most international commercial disputes of moderate-high complexity are expensive. While this may be good for the counsel representing parties, it is less so for the parties. The evolution of alternative fee arrangements (“AFA”) allows parties to nonetheless pursue such disputes without compromising their economic viability. Unfortunately, in India, the courts have opposed the more novel…

The General Division of the High Court of the Republic of Singapore (“SGHC”) in the matter of Beltran, Julian Morena and another v. Terraform Labs Pte Ltd and others [2023] SGHC 340 recently dismissed an appeal against an Assistant Registrar’s decision denying a stay in favour of arbitration on the basis that the First Defendant…

Muddled in severe stress and conflict since the 1950s, the transboundary Indus basin is home to one of the longest rivers in Asia. Barraging disputes led to the signing of the Indus Waters Treaty of 1960 (“IWT”) between Pakistan and India. Oft-cited as one of the most successful transboundary water-sharing mechanisms in the world, the…