Arbitral Tribunal, Arbitration, Arbitration Proceedings, Best practices, Commercial Arbitration, Confidentiality, Confidentiality and Transparency, HKIAC, ICC Arbitration, ICCA, ICSID Arbitration, Independence and Impartiality, Institutional Arbitration, International arbitration, Investment Arbitration, ISDS, LCIA Arbitration, Powers of the tribunal, Procedure, SCC Rules, Secretary of the Arbitral Tribunal, SIAC, Singapore International Arbitration Centre, Tribunal Secretary, Uncategorized
Tribunal secretaries: a tale of dependence and independence
“Help! I need somebody Help! Not just anybody Help! You know I need someone, help … And now my life has changed in oh so many ways, My independence seems to vanish in the haze …” Help raises a question of need, but does it lead to a loss of the fundamental decision-making power vested…