On 21 February 2024, the District Court of Amsterdam (“the court”) rendered a decision in summary proceedings. The key question that arose from this decision was: Can parties facing an unclear arbitration agreement ask the national courts to resolve their disputes instead? The issue of ambiguity surrounding arbitration agreements is not a novel phenomenon (see,…

The short answer to the title of this post is that while a few institutions have already begun to employ artificial intelligence (“AI”), most are in a wait-and-see-and-explore mode as they consider whether and how to make use of it. Most of the current institutional interest in AI is in areas that law and technology…

In September 2021, the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) issued Decree No. 34 of 2021 (“Decree 34”) by which the DIFC Arbitration Institution, the administering body of the DIFC-LCIA arbitration centre (“DIFC-LCIA”) was abolished with immediate effect, and all its obligations, rights, and resources were assigned to the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”). Decree 34 also…

In January 2023, the Hong Kong Court of First Instance in Grand Ocean & Williams Co Limited v. Huaxicun Offshore Engineering Co Ltd (江苏华西村海洋工程服务有限公司) [2023] HKCFI 86 (“Grand Ocean”) held that an arbitration clause, governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”), was void and incapable of being performed on the basis…

The past decade has seen the Gulf ascend as a nexus for international arbitration. Arbitration has proliferated in the region’s many special economic zones, from the United Arab Emirates’ (“UAE”) Abu Dhabi Global Market (“ADGM”) to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah Economic City. The latest iteration of that trend has translated into the…

On 1 January 2024, the new version of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Arbitration Rules (2024 Rules) came into force. The 2024 Rules apply to CIETAC arbitrations commenced on or after this date. Compared with the 2015 Rules, the 2024 Rules have expanded from 84 provisions to 88 provisions and incorporated…

On 17 November 2023, the leading arbitration-related institutions and government entities in Japan co-hosted an international arbitration conference, entitled “Exploring Innovative Solutions in a Changing World”, to showcase Japan’s flourishing ecosystem as a preferred place of arbitration, and to mark the 70th anniversary of the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA). Held in Tokyo, this event…

On 19 October 2023, the Plenary of the Madrid International Arbitration Center (CIAM) approved its new Rules, which will enter into force on 1 January 2024. The CIAM was created in 2020 from the merger of the international activity of the three main and most active, in terms of caseloads, arbitral institutions in Spain: the…

In April 2023, Libya took a significant step forward in developing its legal system by issuing Law No 10 of 2023 on Commercial Arbitration (“New Arbitration Law”). The New Arbitration Law establishes a comprehensive legal framework for commercial arbitration in Libya, taking inspiration from the UNCITRAL Model Law and arbitration laws in neighbouring countries. Until…

The Istanbul Arbitration Centre’s (the Centre) inception, driven by the Turkish Government’s ambition to elevate Istanbul as a global financial centre, presents a compelling case for legal scrutiny. This blog post seeks to unravel the intricate web of legal complexities surrounding the Centre’s statutory foundation, organisational structure, and financial framework, alongside the potential attribution of…

In 2011, the ITA published its inaugural Guide to Arbitral Institutions in Latin America and an accompanying “Scoreboard.” The conclusion of this inaugural guide was: “The era of Latin American arbitral institutions has arrived. Building on a strong legal framework, arbitral institutions have emerged throughout the region.” This year, the Americas Initiative of the ITA…

Mr. Vu Anh Duong is the Secretary General of the Vietnam International Arbitration Centre (“VIAC“), which is the leading Vietnamese arbitration and mediation institution. Mr. Duong has contributed significantly to the development of arbitration in Vietnam in various ways; in addition to his role with the VIAC, Mr. Duong has served as a member of various drafting committees dealing…

Gustavo Piedrahita is an attorney with more than 15 years of professional experience. He received his law degree (LLB) from Universidad de la Sabana in Colombia and has a master’s degree in corporate law from Universidad Sergio Arboleda. He is a specialist in commercial, financial, and environmental law. Mr. Piedrahita acts as a domestic and…

Participants in the London International Disputes Week 2023 (“LIDW 2023”) had great difficulty choosing from a line of outstanding events to attend. This blog post reports on one session from the third and fourth day of the week, respectively, “The Evolving Role of Arbitral Institutions” and “International Commercial Courts and Arbitration: Competitors or Bedfellows?”  …

After thirteen years, the Arbitration Center of Mexico (“CAM”), one of the most prominent arbitration centers in Mexico, revised its Arbitration Rules (the “Rules”). The purpose of these amendments is to adapt the Rules to global changes and address the needs of its users that have arisen since the last version in 2009. The 2022…

In October 2022, the ICC launched its new digital case management platform, ICC Case Connect. Although not mandatory, parties are encouraged to use this new system, which is touted as a platform that “facilitates communication and document-sharing and offers a secure, dedicated, online space in which all case documents and information are centralised and easily…

This year marks a full century since the ICC Court was established in 1923.  Yesterday, I was joined by ICC Secretary General John W. H. Denton AO, ICC Court Secretary General Alexander G. Fessas, and ICC Managing Counsel Ziva Filipic, in a global, on-line launch of our centenary celebration. The ICC Court was created with…

Delos Dispute Resolution (Delos) has introduced its first significant update to the Delos Rules of Arbitration (the 2021 Delos Rules) which entered into force on 1 November 2021.  The new rules range from including new provisions which align with other major arbitral institutions, for example on joinder and consolidation, to more radical innovations such as…

A key characteristic of an international commercial arbitration award is its binding nature, although parties may still consent to non-binding arbitration. A consent to non-binding arbitration is problematic when the applicable law explicitly prescribes arbitration to be binding. Mainland China is such a jurisdiction. Thus, the issue of the validity of a non-binding arbitration agreement…

On November 12, 2021, the new arbitration rules (the “2021 Rules”) of Paraguayan Arbitration and Mediation Center (“CAMP” for its acronym in Spanish) –the main arbitration institution in Paraguay –came into effect. The 2021 Rules include new developments that modernize CAMP’s practice, especially with regards to international arbitration. In other cases, the new provisions reflect…

In 2021, East and Central Asia witnessed some noteworthy developments in domestic legislation, jurisprudence, and efforts to enhance the standing of arbitral institutions and seats in the region. There have also been developments in trade/investment agreements and investor-State claims in the region. In this post, our East and Central Asian editorial team reviews this progress…

On 15 November 2021, P.R.I.M.E. Finance launched its revised P.R.I.M.E. Finance Arbitration Rules (the Rules). A launch event was held on 6 December at which Georges Affaki, Martin Doe of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and Secretary-General of P.R.I.M.E. Finance Kasper Krzeminski gave an overview of the Rules. A recording is available here.  P.R.I.M.E….

The Danish Institute of Arbitration (the DIA) updated its arbitration rules this year. The DIA Rules of Arbitration 2021 (the DIA Rules 2021) apply to arbitrations commenced on or after 13 April 2021, unless otherwise agreed. The updated rules tell us that the DIA focuses on best practice, pragmatism and efficiency, and that they bolster…

The proposed Article 91 in the Draft Amendment to PRC Arbitration Law (the “Draft Amendment”), which was issued by the PRC Ministry of Justice in July 2021, introduces ad hoc arbitration: “The parties to a commercial dispute involving foreign elements may agree on an institutional arbitration or directly agree that it shall be arbitrated by…