Just over 4 months after its previous landmark ruling of 26 July 2024, the Russian Supreme Court continues its crusade against “hostile” or “unfriendly” arbitration forums under the so-called Lugovoy Law (Articles 248.1 and 248.2 of the Russian Arbitrazh (commercial) procedure code). On 28 November 2024, the Supreme Court issued a new ruling in which…

On June 10, 2022, the Superior Court of Justice in Brazil (“STJ”) ruled on the conflict of competence No. 185.702/DF (“CC 185.702/DF”) under the premise that arbitration has a jurisdictional nature and, therefore the STJ has jurisdiction to decide conflict of competences between arbitral tribunals constituted pursuant to the rules of the same arbitral institution…

Introduction Although the nature of arbitration is still a matter of debate in the Egyptian legal system, the arbitration-friendly jurisprudence of Egyptian courts now supports the idea that the arbitration process is indeed of a judicial nature. A clear example is provided by the Supreme Constitutional Court (“SCC”),1)Supreme Constitutional Court, Challenge No. 95 of 20…