The famous saga Sultan de Sulu is coming to an end in France with the French Cour de cassation (Cass. Civ. 1re 6 November 2024, hereinafter the “Ruling”) upholding the Paris Court of Appeal’s decision to refuse the enforcement of the preliminary award whereby the sole arbitrator affirmed his jurisdiction and determined the seat of…

On 13 June 2024, Italian Arbitration Day took place in Rome. The full-day conference saw a large number of arbitration practitioners dealing with the issue of globalization and geography in the arbitration. This post offers an overview of the key takeaways from the discussion.   Introduction: The Past, Present, and Future of Globalization   After…

In a decision dated 7 September 2022, the French Supreme Court confirmed the Sorelec decision issued by the Paris Court of Appeal in 2020. For the first time, France’s highest civil court has directly approved a shift in the jurisprudence of the Paris Court of Appeal that might have important implications for France as a…

Although some might have considered 2019 a bit “lackluster”,1)Th. Clay, Panorama – Arbitrage et modes alternatifs de règlement des litiges: novembre 2018-décembre 2019, Dalloz, 26 December 2019. a number of noteworthy decisions by the Paris Court of Appeal and French Supreme Court have come to refine on the now well-established French case law on international…