Six previously unpublished ICC awards are now available online on Kluwer Arbitration, as part of the ICCA Awards Series. The awards published deal with a broad range of issues, including the application of the CISG and of the UNIDROIT Principles, principles of contractual interpretation in case of ambiguously worded clauses, the admissibility of penalty clauses,…

Recently, the first upload of awards from the ICCA Awards Series 2024 and the second upload of court decisions from the Yearbook 2024 went online on Kluwer Arbitration. The first upload of materials for the 2024 volume of the ICCA Awards Series features the preliminary and the final ad hoc awards in the Sulu case, a dispute between the heirs…

Six unpublished awards rendered under the auspices of the International Chamber of Commerce are now available on the KluwerArbitration database, as part of the 2023 volume of the ICCA Awards Series. The arbitrators dealt with a broad range of issues, including the application of the CISG and of the UNIDROIT Principles, principles of contractual interpretation,…