Investment tribunals are well-known to examine the abuse of rights doctrine in various contexts, including illegitimate corporate restructuring (Phillip Morris v Australia, para. 588; Lao Holdings v Laos I, para. 70; Alverley v Romania, para. 380), bad faith conduct (Phoenix v Czech Republic, paras.143-44; WCV World Capital Ventures Cyprus Ltd v Czech Republic, paras. 477-478),…

2024 witnessed significant developments concerning the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”), ranging from a new wave of withdrawals to the adoption of the modernised ECT in December. This post reviews the key ECT-related developments of 2024 and highlights relevant contributions published on the Kluwer Arbitration Blog (“KAB”).   New Wave of Withdrawals from the ECT In…

This post is concerned with the potential comparison between the fair and equitable (“FET”) standard and the rule against abuse of rights (“AR”), as regulated under municipal private law systems (mainly of continental origin).   A Fresh Take On FET Through the Prism of Comparative Law: A Role for AR? FET combines a wide array…

This is the sixth consecutive year that we, either together or separately, have reported on trends at the intersection of human rights and international investment arbitration from the prior year (see prior Blog coverage, here, here, here, here, and here). As we emphasized last year, developments at this intersection continue directional trends from prior years. In particular, the continued reliance…

2024 appeared to be one of the busiest years for investor-State dispute settlement (“ISDS”) reform, with significant advances in the United Nations Commission on Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) Working Group III discussions and the adoption of the modernized Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”). This post exclusively focuses on Working Group III’s key milestones in 2024 and relevant…

Latin America continues to be a hotspot for investment arbitration. In 2024, investment arbitration in Latin America saw significant activity and notable developments. In addition to seeing a steady increment in arbitration cases, 2024 witnessed important legal reforms and evolving trends that are reshaping the region’s approach to investment and investor-State dispute settlement (“ISDS”). This…

The Patel Engineering Limited (“PEL”) v the Republic of Mozambique tribunal, constituted under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, dealt with pre-investment expenditures and whether such expenditures constitute a protected investment. Investors frequently make expenditures in the preparatory phase of an investment, such as environmental impact assessments, scientific surveys, or financial advice. When are these expenditures considered…

On 13 September 2024, the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, “BVG” or “the Court”) published two judgments dated 23 July 2024 (available here and here, both in German), accompanied by a press release (here), rejecting as inadmissible two constitutional complaints brought by the claimant in the Eureko (later Achmea) v Slovakia (1) arbitration (“BVG Judgments”).  While other commentators…

On 23 September 2024, the third ITA Roundtable at an UNCITRAL Working Group III (“UNCITRAL WG III”) session took place at the offices of KNOETZL. Anna Joubin-Bret, Secretary of UNCITRAL, and Jurgita Petkute, Partner at KNOETZL, gave introductory remarks. Dr. Crina Baltag from Stockholm University moderated the discussion of the panel consisting of Lorena Fatás…

On March 27, 2024, an arbitration tribunal issued its Phase II award in the EcuadorTLC v. Ecuador II case (“EcuadorTLC II”), a decision that has flown under the radar of systemic analysis. This case is one of a number of new Ecuadorian arbitration cases (here, here) that have come into the public eye in the…

On March 6, 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) delivered its (in)famous Achmea judgment (Case C-284/16), which subsequently became synonymous with the demise of investor-state arbitration in bilateral investment treaties between Member States of the European Union (“intra-EU BITs”). In this decision, the CJEU concluded that investor-state arbitration clauses in intra-EU…

Kosovo Law No. 04/L-220 on Foreign Investment (hereinafter, the “2014 Law on Foreign Investment”), which safeguarded foreign investors as a key element in promoting international economic cooperation and attracting foreign capital, has now been replaced by Law No. 08/L-209 on Sustainable Investments (hereinafter, the “2024 Law on Sustainable Investments”). The purpose of the 2014 Law…

For the first time under Rule 54(2) of the ICSID 2022 Arbitration Rules, the Tribunal in Ruby River Capital LLC v. Canada (ICSID Case No. ARB/23/5) had to decide on a request for suspension of the proceeding. In its Request for Suspension, Canada asked the Tribunal to suspend the proceeding until the Tribunal in TC…

The rapid progression of technology is transforming industries and reshaping global geopolitical dynamics. With the rise of generative artificial intelligence (“AI”) and explosive share growth, US tech giants – such as Microsoft, Nvidia, Apple, Alphabet, and Amazon – dominate the list of the world’s most valuable companies. Amid concerns over the influence tech companies wield,…

On February 13, 2024, a tribunal comprising of Alexis Mourre, Eduardo Siqueiros and Eduardo Zuleta Jaramillo rendered an award in the case of Latin American Regional Aviation Holding S. de S.R.L. v. Uruguay (ICSID Case No. ARB/19/16), under the Panama – Uruguay bilateral investment treaty (the “Treaty”). The dispute concerned Uruguay’s national airline Pluna, where…

On 12 April 2024, the Regional Court of Essen (“LG Essen”) dismissed Spain’s request for an anti-enforcement injunction of an intra-EU investor-state arbitration award (2 O 447/22). The LG Essen held that anti-enforcement injunctions are inadmissible because they violate state sovereignty. This blog post will cover the facts and background of the decision, examine the…

If an international arbitration practitioner hears “renewable energy,” “renewable energy source,” (“RES”) or even “energy transition” disputes, chances are that he or she may think of the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”) and the torrent of claims filed by investors against European Union (“EU”) Member States. These claims challenge retroactive regulatory changes to feed-in tariff and…

The European Commission’s “Proposal for a Council Decision on the partial suspension of the application of the Energy Charter Treaty between the Union and any legal entity that is owned or controlled by citizens or nationals of the Russian Federation or of the Republic of Belarus, and any Investment within the meaning of the Energy…

The Ecuadorian government held a referendum and a public consultation on 21 April 2024. Question D of the referendum asked citizens: “Do you agree that the Ecuadorian State recognizes international arbitration as a method to resolve disputes related to investment, contractual, or commercial matters?” (free translation). The substantive proposal of the question was merely based…

At the end of February 2024, the United Kingdom (“UK”)’s Energy Security and Net Zero Minister Graham Stuart announced his country’s decision to withdraw from the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”). On 28 May 2024, the Energy Charter Secretariat revealed in a press release that the UK’s formal notification of withdrawal had already been received by…

It took 16 years of negotiations for India and the European Free Trade Association (“EFTA”)—comprising Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein—to clinch a free trade agreement (“FTA”). The newly minted FTA is expected to boost the extant levels of trade between the two countries. The formal name of the signed agreement is the Trade and Economic…

As part of the 2024 edition of the London International Disputes Week (“LIDW”), Reed Smith LLP hosted a panel on “Bank Collapse and ISDS: Arbitration Strategy and Dramatis Personae”. The panel, moderated by Lucy Winnington-Ingram (Reed Smith), comprised Kathleen Garrett (Reed Smith), Cameron Miles (3 Verulam Buildings), Lorena Fatás Pérez (Ministry of Justice of Spain),…

On March 11, 2024, an ICSID arbitral tribunal (Juan Fernández-Armesto (President), Wendy Miles, Alexis Mourre), rendered an award in Encavis AG and Others v. Italy. The controversy follows some other 14 disputes initiated by EU investors against the Italian State under the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”) (some of these discussed here) and falls into the…