At the Kluwer Arbitration Blog, December is the month to thank our readers and collaborators for their readership, contributions, and support. This is also one of the occasions in which we highlight and we praise our excellent editors.   The Kluwer Arbitration Blog will celebrate 15 years of existence in 2024. On 28 January 2009, the…

“Corporations have their own global private court system – called ISDS – which they use to bully governments. But many victims of corporate human rights abuses don’t have any way of winning justice. This is unfair. We need to end these corporate courts now! Rights for people, rules for corporations.”  Letter from the Stop ISDS…

Introduction  On September 1, 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress promulgated the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) Foreign State Immunity Law (“CFSIL”, bilingual version here).  It will enter into force on January 1, 2024, together with the amended Chinese Civil Procedure Law 2023 (“CPL 2023”, English translation here).  The new legislation not…

In the case of Santamarta v Venezuela, the dispute involved a dual national of Venezuela and Spain, who filed a claim against Venezuela for allegedly obstructing Santamarta’s pharmaceutical business, including an unlawful confiscation of a manufacturing plant. The arbitration proceedings were conducted in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules (1976) on the basis of the…

On 1 December 2022, the Tribunal in the Panamericana Television S.A (hereafter, “Pantel” or “Claimant”) v. The Republic of Peru (hereafter, “Peru” or “Respondent”) case issued its Final Award, in which not only did it reject the merits of Pantel’s claims, but it also dismissed, among others, the objection ratione materiae formulated by Peru, based on Articles 2,…

Enforcing awards against third parties is a perennial issue in international arbitration circles. In Air India Ltd c CC/Devas (Mauritius) Ltd, the Court of Appeal of Quebec considered an award creditor’s ability to seize assets belonging to an award debtor’s alter ego under Quebec law. This case offers significant insight for award creditors wishing to…

On August 6, 2020, an arbitral tribunal composed of Andrés Rigo Sureda (P), O. Thomas Johnson, Jr., and Pierre Mayer (the Tribunal), constituted under the agreement between the United Kingdom and Uruguay for the promotion and protection of investments (the BIT), issued an award in Prenay Agarwal, Vinita Agarwal and Ritika Mehta v. Uruguay (PCA…

The Republic of Türkiye is a strategic market which straddles Europe and Asia, providing an intersection of various cultures, languages, and religions.  Türkiye is also well-versed in foreign investment, both inward and outward, in large part due to its geographical location and long history.  Indeed approximately one-fifth of economic activity in Türkiye depends on foreign…

The recently reported investment treaty claim by Singapore-based mining company Zeph Investments (“Zeph”) against Australia appears to be the latest in investor-State dispute claims arising out of climate change-related measures introduced by States. The claim was first disclosed on 10 July 2023 by the Attorney General’s Department of Australia in response to a question on…

I have been teaching international investment arbitration (IIA) in India for the last 15 years with a focus on its substantive principles contained in numerous bilateral investment treaties (BITs) and the investment chapters of free trade agreements (FTAs). I have taught at the following Indian law schools/universities: the National University of Juridical Sciences (NUJS), National…

The Tashkent Law Spring Forum (“Forum”), organized by the Ministry of Justice of Uzbekistan, is an important symbol of Uzbekistan’s efforts to establish itself as an open economy and an important player in global and regional markets. The inaugural forum was held in 2019 and attracted more than 1,200 participants and speakers from all over…

On June 30, 2020, an era of international investment law and dispute resolution came to an end as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) concluded its 27-year tenure with the entry into force of United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA). Three years later, a further milestone is now marked: today, Canada, which…

The defining challenge of the 21st century is undoubtedly climate change. There is consensus that we need to reduce the level of carbon emissions and abide by the scientific community’s directions to preserve our environment; we are beyond preventing harm – our current urgency is mitigation. We seem united in our common goal to meet…

In recent years, international investment law and the investor-state dispute settlement (‘ISDS’) system have arguably reached their melting point, with an increasing number of participants having diverging interests and perspectives. Many of these issues have come to the surface through the discussions ongoing at UNCITRAL Working Group III. In this context, the experiences of the…

Following an exciting opening day (see here and here), on Day 2 of Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) Jus Mundi hosted a discussion on “Striking a Sustainable Deal: Balancing State Responsibility and Investor Rights in Mining”. The panel was moderated by Alexandre Vagenheim (Jus Mundi) and included Diora Ziyaeva (Dentons), William Kirtley (Aceris Law), Mark Johns (Exponent)…

Over the past century, the waves of “resource nationalism” have affected foreign investments through government measures, ranging from policy changes, tax regimes and repatriation of profits to expropriation without compensation. Day 2 of the 2023 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) saw Jones Day hosting a conference on “Resource Nationalism in Investor-State Arbitration”. The panel was composed…

As part of Day 1 of the 2023 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW), Laborde Law and Honlet Legum organised a discussion between Meg Kinnear (ICSID, Secretary General), Toby Landau KC (Duxton Hill Chambers), and Prof. Alain Pellet (Paris X University) on “The Future of Investment Arbitration?”. The event was moderated by Gustavo Laborde (Laborde Law), Jean-Christophe…

In preparation for the 42nd session of the UNCITRAL Working Group III (“Working Group”) in February 2022, the UNCITRAL Secretariat issued a note on “Standing Multilateral Mechanism: Selection and Appointment of ISDS Tribunal Members and Related Matters” (“Note”), dated December 8, 2021. The Note builds on several Working Group reports that addressed the selection and appointment…

The OIC Investment Agreement (the “Agreement”), a multilateral instrument among certain members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, remains a potent tool for investment protection within the bloc. This post surveys developments concerning the Agreement since the authors’ last updates in late 2019 and 2020. In particular, the post provides an update on the ongoing…

On January 13, 2023 the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University hosted the 5th annual Schiefelbein Global Dispute Resolution Conference.  Like previous iterations of this conference, the innovative program featured top lawyers, internationally recognized mediators, academics, and leaders of arbitration institutions discussing timely issues in international dispute resolution. This year’s conference…

In November 2022, a contract-based arbitral tribunal issued an anti-arbitration injunction with the aim of enjoining parallel investment treaty proceedings between the parties. This post examines this injunction – which was ignored by the investment-treaty tribunal – and its implications.   Background In March 2020, Patel Engineering Limited (“PEL”), an Indian-incorporated infrastructure and construction service…

On 30 November 2022, the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (along with the British Institute of International and Comparative Law) organised the 2022 Kaplan Lecture. The lecture was delivered by Robert Spano – a former President and Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) – and focussed on the new frontiers faced by…

A study published in 2012 revealed that only 15 arbitrators decided 55% of the 450 investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) cases reported at that time, most of them practitioners from Europe, USA or Canada. This was the case despite the fact that parties from all over the world were involved in those proceedings. To date, according…

Investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS) has been widely criticized for being a tool in the hands of multinational companies, used to challenge domestic public policy measures even when legitimately adopted in the public interest. Critiques have been notable concerning the asymmetrical nature of international investment agreements (IIAs). While IIAs were concluded to afford protection to foreign…