In 2019, a blog post discussed the push in Kyrgyzstan towards expanding the scope of arbitrable disputes. This trend has continued with the recent Tax Code reform, which allows tax disputes to be arbitrated in the country from 1 January 2023 onward. This development reflects the Kyrgyzstan government’s ongoing efforts to rectify shortcomings in its…

A pioneer in the region of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE region), the Permanent Arbitration Court attached to the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCAC) signed a partnership agreement with the Paris-based legal-tech start-up, Jus Mundi, allowing for the online accessibility of anonymized Hungarian arbitral decisions in English. Since the issue of publication of…

The German Federal Ministry of Justice published a White Paper on the Modernization of German Arbitration Law (unofficially translated by the DIS) on 18 April 2023. Its primary goal is to adapt the law to today’s needs to enhance its efficiency and strengthen Germany’s attractiveness as an arbitration venue. This post details the twelve issues…

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in IP cross-border disputes, including in non-traditional sectors. The Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (“KCAB”), which is the sole arbitral institution in Korea that is statutorily authorized to settle disputes under the Korean Arbitration Act, has experienced a gradual increase in IP-related cases. This article aims to…

The French Supreme Court (“Cour de cassation”) has ruled (1st February 2023, No. 21-25.024) that the breach of a mediation clause is not a matter of jurisdiction and as such cannot lead to the annulment of an award in which a tribunal has retained its jurisdiction, even though the mediation process has not been implemented…

On the eve of this year’s Tashkent Law Spring Forum, ICC YAAF, together with My Lawyer Law Firm and Dentons LLP, coordinated an event hosted by the Tashkent office of Dentons on Arbitration Developments in Uzbekistan and other Central Asian States.  The event featured  insights by practitioners and stakeholders on the Central Asian market for…

On June 30, 2020, an era of international investment law and dispute resolution came to an end as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) concluded its 27-year tenure with the entry into force of United States – Mexico – Canada Agreement (USMCA). Three years later, a further milestone is now marked: today, Canada, which…

On 22 June 2023, the Supreme Court of the United States issued an opinion in the combined cases of Yegiazaryan v. Smagin et al. and CMB Monaco v. Smagin et al., Case Nos. 22-381 & 22-383 (U.S.).  The case resolves divergent lower appellate rulings in the United States over whether a non-U.S. domiciliary may sustain a…

On an exceptionally sunny day in Vancouver, Canada, Vancouver International Arbitration Centre (VanIAC) and International Council for Commercial Arbitration (ICCA) hosted a joint conference entitled “Energy Infrastructure Disputes and Arbitration: Today and Tomorrow”. The one-day conference kicked off with a traditional welcome by Wilson Williams (Sxwíxwtn) of the Squamish Nation on June 2, 2023. After…

During the first days of June, the scenic Canadian city of Vancouver hosted several events of interest to the arbitration community. The biggest of these was the June 2 joint conference organized by the Vancouver International Arbitration Centre (“VanIAC”) and the International Council for Commercial Arbitration (“ICCA”), which will be discussed in a separate blog…

Last month, Pakistan International Disputes Weekend 2023 (PIDW 2023) brought to the fore important discussions on international dispute resolution, to support restructuring access to justice and improvement of the rule of law index in Pakistan. This post recaps the discussions on Day 2 of PIDW 2023, whilst yesterday’s post highlighted the key points from Day…

Last month, the historically prominent city of Lahore, placed itself on the map among other global hotspots for international dispute resolution-focused events, Pakistan International Disputes Weekend 2023 (PIDW 2023) co-hosted by Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Pakistan Branch, MK Consultus LLP and TCC ADR Center was held on 20 and 21 May 2023 at the Pearl…

On May 9, 2023, the Arbitration Channel, a pioneer Brazilian institution in the dissemination and promotion of arbitration internationally, held the XVII Rio de Janeiro International Arbitration Conference (“Rio Arbitration Conference” or “Congress”), curated by  João Bosco Lee (Lee Taube Gabardo Sociedade de Advogados, Partner) Lauro Gama (Lauro Gama Advogados Associados, Partner) and Maurício Almeida…

Gustavo Piedrahita is an attorney with more than 15 years of professional experience. He received his law degree (LLB) from Universidad de la Sabana in Colombia and has a master’s degree in corporate law from Universidad Sergio Arboleda. He is a specialist in commercial, financial, and environmental law. Mr. Piedrahita acts as a domestic and…

Several EU member states have abandoned the modernization of the ECT and expressed their intention to withdraw from the ECT (see here). In February 2023, a Commission non-paper was leaked, which describes a coordinated withdrawal of the EU and its member states from the ECT as the ‘the most adequate option’. Such a coordinated withdrawal…

The DIS Spring Conference, one of the DIS’s two main annual conferences, attracted over 300 participants and took place in Munich on 3 May 2023 after the traditional Gala Dinner on the eve of the conference. The conference set off with a welcome note by Dr. Rouven F. Bodenheimer (DIS), introducing the theme of the…

The development of arbitration and its associated regulatory practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (“KSA”) began with the enactment of the 2012 KSA Arbitration Law (“2012 Law”) in March 2012. Ten years later, this post discusses the progress of arbitration in the KSA and the significant strides made by the KSA which positions it…

Israel is known as the land of “milk and honey.”  But in recent years it has also become known as the land of innovation and entrepreneurship.  Successful Israeli start-ups include Waze (the satellite navigation company), M-Systems (the developer of the first USB drive), and MyHeritage (the online genealogy platform). As Israel has progressively embraced liberalism,…

On June 10, 2022, the Superior Court of Justice in Brazil (“STJ”) ruled on the conflict of competence No. 185.702/DF (“CC 185.702/DF”) under the premise that arbitration has a jurisdictional nature and, therefore the STJ has jurisdiction to decide conflict of competences between arbitral tribunals constituted pursuant to the rules of the same arbitral institution…

Pathological clauses are not an infrequent occurrence in the arbitration world. We often see arbitration clauses which are poorly drafted and may result in rendering the clause inoperable. Being able to predict how a court would treat a pathological clause would help the parties and specifically the party wishing to file proceedings decide whether they…

The Delhi High Court has resoundingly acknowledged the viability of third-party funding (“TPF”) in providing access to justice for claimants in arbitrations. In a welcome judgment, the Court ruled that a funder was not liable for an arbitral award and therefore need not furnish security in the enforcement thereof. The Court said the funder could…

Mr. Süleyman Boşça is a Türkiye-based lawyer specialized in international arbitration and energy law, currently acting as Chairman of the Energy Disputes Arbitration Center (EDAC). Mr. Boşça is also the founder and managing partner of Bosca Law Firm. Among other professional activities, he is the Chairman of the Energy Law Research Institute and a member…

On 4 February 2023, Law 5016/2023 (the “2023 Law”), Part A of which is entitled “International Commercial Arbitration”, was published in Greece’s Official Government Gazette (see an unofficial English translation here). Prior to the 2023 Law, Greek-seated international arbitral proceedings were governed by Law 2735/1999 (the “1999 Law”), which was based on the 1985 version…