Following the morning session of the SIAC Symposium 2024, which explored issues including the challenges posed by artificial intelligence (“AI”), climate change, and trade disruption (see Part 1), the afternoon session consisted of three plenary panel discussions that delved into the core issues shaping the future of arbitration. These pivotal topics comprised: the ethical considerations guiding…

One of the most contentious issues in investor-state dispute settlement (“ISDS”), leading to an extensive scholarly debate, and yet one of the least decided legal questions in arbitral practice is the functioning and effect of security exceptions. One of the reasons for that is the relatively low number of investment treaties that include such provisions…

Against the backdrop of the ongoing war in Ukraine, numerous commercial disputes have arisen. In a (further) significant ruling dated 1 June 2023, the Higher Regional Court Berlin (Kammergericht or the “Court”) reinforced the integrity of arbitration by confirming the admissibility of arbitration to the exclusion of (Russian) state courts (Case No. 12 SchH 5/22)….

On 4 July 2024, Russia’s Arbitrazh Court of the North-Western Region (cassation) confirmed the earlier decision of the Arbitrazh Court of Saint Petersburg (first instance) to grant an anti-suit injunction prohibiting German Uniper Global Commodities SE (“Uniper”) and Methanhandel GmbH (“Metha”) from continuing ad hoc arbitration proceedings in Stockholm (Case No. А56-16212/2024). The reasons behind…

There is no dull moment in the intra-EU realm. Pandora’s box has long been opened by the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) with its Achmea decision leading to numerous ongoing challenges. In a recent ruling, the District Court of Amsterdam (“Amsterdam Court”) had to address a strategic manoeuvre by the Kingdom of…

From 1st to 3rd September 2024, the Brazilian Arbitration Committee—CBAr held its 23rd International Arbitration Conference (“23rd CBAr IAC” or “Conference”) in Brasília, Brazil’s federal capital. The theme of this year’s Conference was “Arbitration and Infrastructure.” The Organizing Committee, composed of both the current and previous CBAr Board members, succeeded in providing a program that…

The 23rd CBAr IAC was a resounding success. The second day of the Conference included a first Panel on the Circulation of Contractual Models and Infrastructure Arbitrations, a second Panel on Contractual Incompleteness and Infrastructure Arbitrations, and a third Panel on the Limits of Consent, Arbitrability, and Judicial Review in Infrastructure Arbitrations. Below, we summarize…

Continuing the central theme of the CBAr 23rd International Arbitration Conference, focused on discussing “Arbitration and Infrastructure,” the two panels held on September 3rd, 2024 were focused on the rendering of technical evidence in infrastructure disputes and the impact of foreign investment and sustainability in Brazil—topics of great complexity, yet essential for the continued development…

Arbitration and insolvency embody, to some extent, countervailing legal policies. Courts in many jurisdictions have grappled with the extent to which claims involving an insolvent company should be permitted to be resolved through arbitration. In the October 2023 decision of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd v Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel India Ltd (“Indian Oil”), the Delhi…

In a decision of 1 June 2023 (Case No. 12 SchH 5/22) that was praised as landmark, the Higher Regional Court of Berlin (Kammergericht) (“KG”) addressed some of the legal issues arising from the complex dispute between Siemens and Russian Railroads (“RZhD”) concerning the unilateral termination of an electric trains maintenance and repair contract by…

Early this year, the European Union (“EU”) finalized the required internal procedures for the entry into force of the Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement concluded between the European Union and the Republic of Angola on 18 November 2022 (“SIFA” or the “Agreement”). This landmark agreement, the EU’s first “sustainable investment facilitation agreement,” could set a precedent…

On 11 June 2024, the Swiss Federal Supreme Court (the “Court”) rendered another pair of decisions in the high-stakes arbitration saga Crescent Petroleum Co. International Ltd. (“Crescent”) v. National Iranian Oil Company (“NIOC”) (decisions no. 4A_288/2023 and 4A_572/2023). The Court rejected two separate applications for revision by NIOC, requesting revision of an interim award following…

On 12 July 2024, more than 25 years after adopting its current arbitration law, the German government agreed on a draft reform law (“Draft Law”). It is based on a White Paper issued in April 2023 (reported here), including comments received thereon (see here). The now adopted version (dated 26 June 2024, to be submitted…

In the last decade, India has emerged as a prominent pro-arbitration jurisdiction owing to several factors including legislative changes to the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (“Arbitration Act”). Indian courts have been at the forefront of this movement and consistently interpreted Indian law in favour of arbitration rather than against arbitration. A noticeable trend has…

On 7 August 2024, the High Court of Australia (“Court”) delivered judgment in the much-anticipated Tesseract International v Pascale Construction [2024] HCA 24 in which the Court held that proportionate liability statutes apply in arbitration. This post seeks to draw attention to critical aspects of the decision of Australia’s highest court, and suggests that, properly…

On 4 August 2023, in an investor-State dispute settlement (“ISDS) arbitration commenced against Australia on 29 March 2023 under the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (“ASEAN”) Australia New Zealand Agreement for a Free Trade Area (“AANZFTA”), Singapore-incorporated Zeph filed an application for interim measures including an unusual request. Zeph sought an order that Australia’s “officers…

Rusoro Mining Ltd. (“Rusoro”), a Canadian corporation, filed an investment claim against The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (“Venezuela”), pursuant to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (“ICSID”) Additional Facility Arbitration (“AF”) Rules of April 2006 (Case No. ARB(AF)/12/5). Rusoro claimed that, between 2009 and 2010, Venezuela expropriated its investment over mining rights and…

Although often seen as theoretical, the recognition and enforcement of annulled arbitral awards remain a fascinating issue in international arbitration. As the text of the New York Convention (“NYC”) provides limited guidance, there has been substantial consideration in both academic commentaries and national court decisions. While global arbitration hubs such as Paris, London, or Singapore…

The setting aside of an arbitral award is a rarity in the Austrian legal landscape. However, on 3 April 2024, the Austrian Supreme Court (the “ASC”) issued a landmark decision setting aside an arbitral award on the grounds of non-arbitrability of the subject matter. As explained below, the court’s reasoning is remarkable and its implications…

On 11 April 2024, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice (“Court”) issued its decision in Ballantry Construction Management Inc. v GR (CAN) Investment Co. Ltd., arising from an application to enforce two arbitration awards filed by Ballantry Construction Management (the “Applicant”). The Respondent in this application, Investment Co. Ltd, sought an order setting aside the awards…

The advantages of exclusive jurisdiction agreements (“EJAs”) are well known; chiefly, that of knowing where a party can sue and be sued. In Brazil, EJAs are widely used in both cross border litigation and in the context of domestic contractual relations. Even in contracts providing for arbitration, it is typical for sophisticated parties to agree…

“Small is Beautiful”, a collection of essays by the economist E. F. Schumacher, was published first in 1973, more than 50 years ago. Schumacher’s basic thesis was that the latest, shiniest or most complex technology was not necessarily the best option for developing countries. Instead, he argued in favor of a practical, more “people-centric” approach,…

On 26 July 2024, the Russian Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling (the “Ruling”) outlining a novel stance on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. This jurisprudential shift, which is decidedly not pro-arbitration, erects new barriers for persons domiciled in countries deemed “hostile” or “unfriendly” by Russia to obtain their consideration in the…

Ethiopia has been on the pursuit of market liberalization in an effort to boost economic growth. We have been witnessing a wave of new laws in Ethiopia with significant implications to a market that has long been closed to foreigners. In April 2024, a law passed by the Investment Authority opened the import, wholesale, retail…