This article discusses the approach taken by the High Court of Fiji (“Court”) on the oft written about topic of whether failure to adhere to a multi-tiered dispute resolution clause is an issue of jurisdiction or admissibility. As previously reported, last year, in Housing Authority v Top Symphony [2023] FJHC 301 (“Top Symphony”), the Court…

There has been a requirement in the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) for witnesses to take an oath when giving their testimony in arbitration proceedings. Awards that relied on testimonies of witnesses who had not taken an oath were subject to nullification. There is currently uncertainty over whether witnesses are still required to take an oath…

Under article 14, §1 of the Brazilian Arbitration Act (“BAA”), arbitrators bear the duty to disclose “any circumstances likely to give rise to justifiable doubt as to their impartiality and independence”. Because the concept of “justifiable doubt” is subjective, Brazilian jurisprudence often features incohesive and contradictory understandings of the scope and effects of such duty vis-à-vis…

The Bahrain Court of Cassation (“COC”) in Case No. 53 of 2021 clarified the uncertainty surrounding the enforcement of foreign arbitral awards. The COC in this case established an expedited enforcement process of arbitral awards in Bahrain and confirmed that a decision of the Bahrain Court of First Instance (“CFI”) granting the enforcement of an…

Latvia’s status as the arbitration unicorn remains undisputed after nearly ten years since adopting the country’s first Arbitration Law (“Latvian Arbitration Law”). In February 2024, the overly liberal Latvian regime resulted in 57 arbitral institutions. This record-high number, however, is considerably less than the 214 arbitral institutions in Latvia in 2013. Although advertised by the…

In September 2021, the United Arab Emirates (“UAE”) issued Decree No. 34 of 2021 (“Decree 34”) by which the DIFC Arbitration Institution, the administering body of the DIFC-LCIA arbitration centre (“DIFC-LCIA”) was abolished with immediate effect, and all its obligations, rights, and resources were assigned to the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”). Decree 34 also…

The global fight against climate change demands a swift transition to cleaner energy sources. Underscoring this urgency, the 28th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (also known as the “Paris Agreement”) (“COP 28“), held in Dubai in November 2023, called for ambitious goals. At this conference, nearly 200…

On 5 February 2024, the Dubai Court of Cassation (“DCC”) issued a judgment in Commercial Case No. 821/2023 (“DCC Judgment”). It upheld an earlier judgment of the Dubai Court of Appeal (“CoA”) which set aside an arbitration award issued under the ICC Rules of Arbitration  2021 (“ICC Rules 2021”) in part concerning the recovery of…

In October 2023, the Law 14,711/2023 was sanctioned, aimed to establish new rules on foreclosures, seizures, mortgages, and transfers of properties to settle debts, by amending certain sections of Law 8,935/1994 (which regulates notary and registration services). Some argue that the inclusion of a legal provision authorizing public notaries to act as arbitrators had two…

During the California International Arbitration Week, held in San Francisco, California, on March 11-14, 2024 (full schedule), the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration (SCIA) presented a panel on U.S.-China commercial dispute resolution. The panelists included Dr. Liu Xiaochun (President, SCIA), Guoyong Huang (Director of the International Cooperation and Development Department, SCIA), Peter Neumann (Arbitrator; Adjunct…

Paris, amidst its annual Arbitration Week in 2024, saw the convergence of arbitration practitioners and enthusiasts at the Hyatt Paris Madeleine for the conference “The Rise of Arbitration in Asia,” a testament to the region’s expanding arbitration influence, convened by Rajah & Tann Asia. The discussion was marked by the presence of distinguished legal professionals,…

For several years, the uncertainty of the (un)clean hands principle has been subject to debate due to the diverse approaches taken by arbitral tribunals. However, in September 2023, the tribunal in Glencore Finance (Bermuda) Ltd. v. The Plurinational State of Bolivia (PCA Case No. 2016-39) may have indirectly settled the uncertainty. The case proposes a…

The Territorial Reservation under Article 1(III) of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, 1958 (“Convention”) presents an interesting conundrum. Despite widespread acceptance of the Convention, the Territorial Reservation continues to be a domestic limitation on the Convention’s applicability. In this post, we analyse how the Territorial Reservation ought…

Hong Kong and Singapore often take the top spots as the preferred arbitral seats in Asia and globally.1)See for instance the 2021 and 2018 Queen Mary University London International Arbitration Surveys. Hong Kong and Singapore rank top three as the most preferred seats in the 2021 survey, and top three in the 2018 survey. These…

In an interpretative judgment rendered on 21 February 2024 (“Interpretative Judgment”), the highest court of Bulgaria had the occasion to decide whether, in case of an assignment of rights under a contract, the arbitration agreement contained in the contract is transferred automatically to the assignee so that such arbitration agreement becomes effective and binding in…

In a world where present geopolitical tensions continue to worsen and the current global order continues to show signs of disintegration, sanctions have emerged as a key strategic tool to pressure third countries to comply with their international law obligations and further prevent additional violations of international agreements. With this comes disputes in a myriad…

On 22 December 2023, a Tribunal composed of Prof. Bernard Hanotiau, Prof. Brigitte Stern and Dr. Andrés Rigo Sureda (President) issued a final award (“Award”) in an investment treaty case PCA 2019-15 (“Dispute”), between Worley International Inc. (“Worley” or “Claimant”) and The Republic of Ecuador (“Ecuador” or “Respondent”). The dispute arose in connection with agreements…

South Africa’s evolution into the premier destination for international arbitration in the Southern African Development Community (“SADC“) region exemplifies its commitment to legal modernity, accessibility, and the highest international standards. South African legal jurisprudence has come to enjoy significant influence in an increasingly globalised world where political, economic, social, and legal activities transcend territorial borders….

The Arbitration Foundation of Southern Africa (AFSA) will be hosting the first Johannesburg Arbitration Week (JAW) at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa, from 9 to 11 April 2024. Originally scheduled for March 2020, the event was, of necessity, postponed when COVID-19 swept away all before it. With that aberration now consigned to…

On 7 March 2024, the National Branch (“ICC Brasil”) and the ICC Court of Arbitration (“ICC Court”) held the 12th ICC Brazilian Arbitration Day (“ICC BAD” or “Conference”) in São Paulo. Since its inception in 2015, the ICC BAD has enjoyed consistent success, and in 2024 arbitration practicing lawyers and clients had further reasons to…

On 19 January 2024, the High Court of Justice of England and Wales gave judgment in Border Timbers Ltd v Republic of Zimbabwe [2024] EWHC 58 (Comm). The decision of Dias J considered, in detail, the application of the UK State Immunity Act 1978 (“SIA”) to the registration, enforcement, and execution of ICSID arbitral awards…

57 years ago, the French Cour de Cassation’s Galakis decision (Civ. 1re, 2 May 1966) laid down the principle that French public entities may, exceptionally, submit to arbitration disputes arising from international contracts. Some would even consider that this principle was already in existence with the San Carlo case (Civ. 1re, 14 April 1964) where…

Mongolia is a country rich in natural resources. Its estimated mineral wealth is $1-3 trillion, with coal, copper, and gold making up the primary reserves. Having been so well endowed by Mother Earth, Mongolia would seem to be an obvious choice for international investors with capital and expertise to exploit these valuable opportunities. However, the…

Spanish regional High Courts of Justice (Tribunales Superiores de Justicia) have heard applications to annul awards since the 2011 amendment to the Spanish Arbitration Law (“SAL”). The most active among the seventeen regional courts has been the High Court of Justice of Madrid (“TSJM”), in charge of hearing annulment proceedings of Madrid-seated arbitral awards. According…