Non-disputing Party submissions (“NDPs”) have been a prominent part of the U.S. investor-State dispute settlement (“ISDS”) practice over the last twenty-five years, with an uptick in the number of recent filings. With almost a hundred NDPs filed in investment arbitrations to date (not including oral submissions, which have become a more regular practice), NDPs have…

In 2019, the United States (‘U.S.’) made six non-disputing Party submissions in investment treaty arbitrations, three of which took place under the NAFTA (Lion Mexico Consol. L.P. v. Mexico; Vento Motorcycles, Inc. v. Mexico; and Tennant Energy, LLC v. Canada), and one each of which took place under U.S. agreements with Korea, Peru and Panama (Jin Hae…

Procedural orders rarely become the subject of blog posts, much less the impetus for concerted action among states anxious to control the strategic space on which investment treaty arbitrations unfold. However, a series of orders in Detroit International Bridge Company v. Canada generated controversy when the tribunal steadfastly excluded representatives of the United States from…