Many arbitration practitioners nowadays trace their initial interest in arbitration back to their student days, when they competed at the world’s largest and most renowned law student competition in the field of arbitration – the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Created in 1993 by Prof. Dr. Eric E. Bergsten, the Vis Moot fosters…

Many arbitration practitioners nowadays trace their initial interest in arbitration back to their student days, when they competed at the world’s largest and most renowned law student competition in the field of arbitration – the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot. Created in 1993 by Prof. Dr. Eric E. Bergsten, the Vis Moot Competition…

With a cybersecurity themed problem, this year’s Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis Moot) fittingly sets new rules regarding the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in the competition. Introduced by an AI-generated video of Professor Christopher Kee (one of the Vis Moot’s three directors), the Vis Moot’s new rules do not outright…

Wolters Kluwer is very sad to learn about the passing of Prof. Eric Bergsten. Eric, as the founder and long-time organizer of the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vienna Moot), hugely inspired more than a generation of young arbitration lawyers and we cannot thank him enough for his contributions to the arbitration community….

For the first time ever, a Sri Lankan law school won the 20th Vis East Moot in Hong Kong. The team representing the Royal Institute of Colombo, comprised of Treshan Fernando, Abinesha Rajaratnam, Janithri Panditharatne, Naika Gooneratne and Lalinka De Silva, were awarded the prestigious Eric E. Bergsten Award as the champion team. Another Sri…

“The winner is Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski”, announced Dr. Günther Horvath – the presiding arbitrator of the final round of the 29th Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vienna) before the crowd gathered in Hofburg Palace rose to their feet to applaud the Bulgarian team that prevailed over their esteemed opponents from University…

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 public health crisis, a seismic event in history, many of us feel as if 2020 is the year that did not happen. While it certainly was not business as usual, in a display of flexibility and resilience, the arbitration community ensured that the (virtual) show did go on. With…

Welcome to the second post in the series of International Law Talk. During a series of podcasts, Wolters Kluwer will bring you the latest news and industry insights from thought leaders and experts in the field of International Arbitration, IP Law, International Tax Law and Competition Law. Here at Kluwer Arbitration Blog, we will highlight the…

The Middle East Vis Pre-Moot Program (the “Program”), scheduled in Bahrain from 10 to 14 March 2020, was prepared and excited to welcome over 200 students, faculty, and lawyers to celebrate the Program’s 10th anniversary. However, on 25 February, amid the unfortunate COVID-19 global pandemic, Bahrain took precautionary measures to prevent the spread of the…

Afghanistan, in January 2007, enacted its Commercial Arbitration Law to facilitate prompt, fair and neutral resolution of commercial and economic disputes through arbitration. However, despite enactment of the Law, Afghan courts exhibited reluctance to defer to dispute resolution clauses in contracts which directed parties to arbitration. Consequently, till 2013, arbitration was neither considered a viable…

For decades, like clockwork, the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (‘Vis Moot’) and its sister competition, Vis East Moot, have brought together students, academics, practitioners, and arbitrators to consider emerging and important substantive topics in international arbitration and international sales law. Many of us honed our passion for these fields as student participants in the Vis…

Introduction1)Kevin is a member of BCLP’s International Arbitration and Construction Disputes team in London. He is due to be admitted as a Hong Kong solicitor and currently has no right to practice as a solicitor in England & Wales or Hong Kong. In this year’s Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (the “2020 Vis…

“We are!” yells a group in the crowd as the Penn State Law Vis moot team enters the stage excitedly after the tribunal of the final round announces its victory – the first team from the US to win the Vis moot since 2004. “Penn State!” cheers back the team, disregarding the baffled looks of…

The admissibility of illegal evidence in international commercial arbitration is for sure, at the moment, a widely discussed topic among law students and arbitration lawyers thanks to this year’s problem at the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot competition (“Vis Moot Problem”). The Kluwer Arbitration Blog (“KAB”) covered the topic extensively as well in…

Introduction Each spring, the global international arbitration community arrives in Vienna for the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot and in Hong Kong for its younger counterpart, the Vis Moot East.  Students, after many months of research, drafting, and practice, are eager to present the fruits of their hard work through oral advocacy.  Practitioners,…