Arbitration agreements often provide that certain procedural steps must be undertaken before arbitration is commenced, such as mediation or negotiation. This provides a ‘cooling-off period’ in which the parties can…

…considered that mediation could provide an efficient and useful mechanism if parties wish to resolve disputes swiftly. Swifter resolution of renewables-related disputes (via mediation) is potentially significant, as delivering these…

…This allows ACICA to resolve questions of independence, impartiality and availability before any arbitrator is appointed. Requiring tribunals to introduce the possibility of using alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, including mediation,…

…reform of substantive protection standards to tilt the balance in favour of the host state, such as by introducing temporary moratoria on claims arising from pandemic-related measures.   Mediation Mr…

…that a tiered clause specifying institutional mediation was “clear”. The court also noted that the respondent had satisfied the pre-condition by submitting the dispute to mediation before the competent “real…