…arbitral institutions have already developed and adopted arbitration rules for corporate disputes. For example, the ICAC has separate set of rules for corporate disputes, and the Arbitration Center at the

the HKIAC Rules, with the threshold of HKD 25.000.000 (Art. 41.1 lit. a.). Whether the new Expedited Procedure Rules will foster parties’ choice of the ICC Rules will depend on…

…to authorize the request’. The 2006 Rules considered a broader amendment process by tackling the provisional measures, the preliminary objections, the transparency rules, the establishment of an appeals panel, the

…at a mere “reference” to the IBA Guidelines5)The provision at stake reads “bearing in mind the IBA Guidelines” (see my post). as a true “incorporation”, therefore bearing the risk of…

…in progress of the works, Raytheon commenced arbitration proceedings claiming substantial damages for unlawful termination. The arbitration proceedings were conducted confidentially, under the rules of the London Court of International…

…under section 21 of the Spanish Arbitration Law (Judgment of the Spanish Supreme Court, 102/2017). Most leading arbitration rules are virtually silent on the requisite formalities, if any, of deliberations….