…temporary safeguard measures in case of exceptional balance-of-payments difficulties. Adriana San Román (Wöss & Partners) compared the measure of damages between commercial arbitration and investment arbitration using as examples prominent…

…most well-equipped forum for such disputes as unlike national courts, arbitration offers an avenue for private investors to file claims against states. The arbitration of disputes concerning intellectual property rights…

…it requires bilateral arbitration”. It likened the employer-employee arbitration agreements prohibiting class actions to company-consumer arbitration agreements with class action waivers recently upheld as valid by the Supreme Court in…

…have oftentimes been described as indispensable in order to uphold arbitration as a fair and efficient way of dispute resolution.3)See Gary Born, International Commercial Arbitration 2425 (2d ed. 2014). To…

…ICSID Arbitration (2016) 31(2) ICSID Review 434. Section A of this blog suggests an alternative approach to interpreting an arbitration clause for the purpose of determining whether the scope of…

…has been monitoring its existence, the International Council for Commercial Arbitration. A more moderate, yet realistic point of view: The New York Convention works, but it requires various instruments of…

new insights into the shaping of international commercial arbitration. Petra Kiurunen asked whether there is anything new under the sun if we think about hot topics in international arbitration. She…

…significant disputes, art and art law expertise and under arbitration rules (“AiA/NAI Court of Arbitration for Art Adjunct Arbitration Rules” (the “Adjunct Arbitration Rules”)) that have been designed to accommodate…

…to activate arbitration clauses in Investor-State Disputes Settlement (ISDS). Firstly, there is a distrust of the alternative remedies to arbitration. In Nigeria, the Nigerian Investment Promotion Commission Act (NIPCA), which…