…on the Kluwer Arbitration Blog, please subscribe here. References[+] References ↑1 See Lucy Greenwood and C. Mark Baker, Getting a Better Balance on International Arbitration Tribunals, Arbitration International, Vol. 28,…

…of institutional rules of International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”), Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) or London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”). Unwarranted judicial intervention and under-developed dispute resolution infrastructure and…

…vocal embracer of the impact of new technologies on arbitration.1)Sophie Nappert and Paul Cohen, Case Study: The Practitioner’s Perspective, in Maud Piers, Christian Aschauerp (eds), Arbitration in the Digital Age:…

…to highlight a probably unintended aspect of the Achmea case which might lead to difficulties of a legal situation for foreign investors in EU Member States in which judicial systems…

arbitration which impact the conduct of arbitrations between states and private parties. Some conditions which arise within Latin American states include the need for the relevant arbitration institution to be…

…it comes down to the will of the disputing parties as well as the arbitration community. 2. Role of arbitration in wider process of dispute settlement – arbitration is only…

…will likely occur once countries notice more claims coming from SWFs. Inter-generational blame and praise in investment arbitration Lucas Bastin surveyed a group of emerging arbitration practitioners under the age…