…spanned through several rooms, examined various topics: Transparency, privacy and confidentiality in international arbitration, Party selection of arbitrators versus institutional selection in international arbitration, The “Americanization” of international arbitration? Discovery?…

…and negatively affect the funding calculus.1)See Chapter 3: “Litigation Funding in International Arbitration”, in Jonas von Goeler, Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration and its Impact on Procedure, International Arbitration Law…

…composed of three representatives from trade union signatories, three representatives from company signatories, and a representative chosen by the International Labour Organization as “a neutral chair and independent advisory member”…

…of a challenged arbitrator. Recent surveys indicate that the Guidelines generally are held in high regard by the members of the arbitration community. A Kluwer Arbitration Blog survey on soft…

…these treaties, are against the EU law. This ‘legalization’ of intra-EU investment arbitration is a pragmatic necessity, and a logical requirement for the proposed deal. Legal purity of reasoning in…

new Convention confirmed and strengthened the preferential relations between Belgium and Luxembourg within the legal framework of the BLEU2)SOMERS Eduard, Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union, Max-Planck. This preferential relation is acknowledged by…

…“Litigation Funding in International Arbitration”, in Jonas von Goeler, Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration and its Impact on Procedure, International Arbitration Law Library, Volume 35 (Kluwer Law International; 2016) p….

…Reinisch August, The Role of Precedent in ICSID Arbitration, Austrian Arbitration Yearbook 495-510 (2008). Although the Terra Raf Trans Traiding case is not an ICSID case (since it was administered…