…exchanged various drafts of the agreement, all of which contained an arbitration clause providing for arbitration under the FAI Arbitration Rules (“FAI Rules”). The clause read as follows: “Any dispute,…

…fourteen grounds for the challenge of a judge, grounds that are incorporated by reference in article 16 of the Colombian Arbitration Act (Law No. 1563) (“CAA”) related to domestic arbitration….

…federal laws in a court, an arbitration court or international arbitration (arbitration tribunal). [Article 10] Arguably, the above provisions do not clearly determine whether provisional application of an investor-state arbitration

…2014, Vodafone International Holdings B.V. (the “Dutch BV”) initiated arbitration proceedings (the “First Arbitration”) under the India-Netherlands Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (the “India-Netherlands BIPA”). The dispute arose as…

…Rules”). The 2013 Rules, while maintaining the “light touch” approach of the 2008 Administrated Arbitration Rules, made important contributions to international arbitration by introducing unprecedented provisions on multi-party and multi-contract…

…Eight examines third-party funding in investment arbitration. The analysis in each of the foregoing chapters also analyzes the relevant issues as applicable to investment arbitration. This Chapter, however, seeks to…