…loan agreements executed with Yukos Oil’s (now liquidated) former subsidiaries (including Tomskneft), which were later acquired by the Russian State oil company Rosneft (“Rosneft”). In 2006-2007, in different arbitration proceedings,…

…when it comes to arbitration clauses. Such an approach would undermine established international practice to accept concurring claims based on tort under broadly phrased arbitration agreements. For example, under German…

…to arbitration. The Permanent Court of Arbitration (“PCA”) was to act as a Registry, and under Article 6(2) of the Arbitration Agreement the PCA Optional Rules for Arbitrating Disputes between…

…Companies”) to enforce an emergency arbitrator award rendered under the Arbitration Rules of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (“SCC Rules”) against Ukraine. Apart from being the…

Given the existence of thousands of international investment agreements, the international investment law regime has been described as “complex and confusing,” “highly fragmented,” and “characterised by overlaps and incoherence”. Two…

…terms: (i) The invalidity of the arbitration agreement (Art. 44(1)(a)(i)) – Meydan had never advanced any arguments as to the invalidity of the arbitration agreement: Meydan’s argument of invalidity in…

…extent to which the SICC would ‘eat into’ Singapore’s bustling international arbitration market. These concerns are, however, misconceived. The SICC’s value may lie in it exercising curial review of arbitration-related…

…judgment creditor …, be referred to arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the DIFC-LCIA Arbitration Centre” (my emphasis). Equally, the suggested wording of the DIFC-LCIA arbitration clause contained in the…

International arbitration has been widely recognized as an efficient process for resolving State-to-State disputes. Factors such as procedural flexibility and party autonomy, which contribute to general appeal of international arbitration,…

…in relation to future set-aside applications – particularly in relation to infra petita and ultra petita challenges in complex, multi-party arbitrations. Background: the Arbitration Proceedings and Award The arbitration arose…