Subscribers to KluwerArbitration also enjoy access to the ICCA Yearbook Commercial Arbitration. Recently, the third and fourth upload of court decisions from the 2023 Yearbook went online on KluwerArbitration. The

…each respective national court.   Arbitration as a Solution Arbitration could help navigate the aforementioned challenges. To illustrate arbitration’s efficacy in resolving data privacy disputes, let us consider a hypothetical…

Evidence is the beating heart of almost every dispute, and there is no exception in international arbitration. Therefore, the ‘Evidence in International Arbitration Report’ (Report) recently released by the Australian…

…and training in arbitration; Assisting legal educators in the Caribbean; and Raising the profile of Caribbean arbitration in the Americas. The Report outlines the current state of arbitration in the

…for Set Aside; (2) Chilean courts are actively complying with this legal mandate; (3) Efforts to obstruct the enforcement of arbitration awards and attempts to overturn the rulings resolving the

…NY-seated arbitration, applying NY law In the first scenario, the Licensing Agreement provided that the seat of arbitration would be New York, and that New York law would govern the

…of his colleagues, the Chaffetz Lindsey firm, its clients, or the New York Arbitration Week Organizing Committee. Kluwer Arbitration Blog’s full coverage of New York Arbitration Week is available here….

…works like this: the state scripts arbitration directly into a concession contract, should it choose to do so. Otherwise, there is no arbitration. Arbitration is treated as a highly strategic…

…of any agreement between the parties or specific legal provisions, the arbitral tribunal has the discretion to determine the relevant rules. The only constraint is that these rules must not…

…This brought expectations for Ecuador to potentially enter into new BITs (or treaties incorporating investment protection provisions) providing for ICSID arbitration. In March 2022, Ecuador signed a Trade Association Agreement…

…that prevented Chinese arbitration institutions from accepting investor-state arbitration cases. As noted, several leading arbitration institutions in the PRC launched investment arbitration rules, i.e., SCIA Rules Article 2(2), CIETAC Rules,…