…for the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) In an arbitration under the 2018 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules, the Claimant designated as first co-arbitrator the same person who had been…

arbitration, potentially prolonging dispute resolution processes. Interactions with multi-tiered dispute resolution clauses, the enforcement of interim measures, cost implications, and broader implications for investor-state arbitration all contribute to a multifaceted…

…available on the Kluwer Arbitration database. It served as VIAC’s response to the increasing call of parties, counsel and arbitrators alike for greater transparency in arbitration through enhanced access to…

…experienced arbitration professionals from various jurisdictions to discuss an array of topics on international arbitration, digital assets, fin-tech, and other relevant matters. The panel was moderated by Leng Sun Chan…

arbitration share the features of efficiency, convenience, and economy, and are both focused on simplifying arbitration procedures, shortening arbitration time, and reducing arbitration costs. Based on the above reasons, the…

…seen in the calculation of compensation in investment-treaty arbitration. This practice is well illustrated in the case of Eiser v Spain. As a brief factual background, the investor was receiving…

For the centenary anniversary of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, this year’s ICC New York Conference on International Arbitration convened over 330 international arbitration practitioners, in-house counsel, academics, students,…

…jurisdiction, specific court action or prescribed procedure can be submitted to arbitration,1)UNCITRAL 2012 Digest of Case Law on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration, United Nations Commission on International…

…the upcoming revision of German arbitration law, the first update in 25 years. This reform signals Germany’s continued commitment to maintaining its arbitration system’s dynamism and relevance in the fast-evolving…

…of Arbitration) celebrating the ICC Court’s centenary anniversary. Conference co-chair Sara Nadeau-Seguin (Teynier-Pic) set the tone for the day, noting the appropriateness of the stock exchange as a venue for…

Arbitration Centre, Toronto Commercial Arbitration Society, Western Canadian Commercial Arbitration Society, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners. Conference co-chairs Janet Walker and The Hon. Barry…

…in favor of arbitration and party autonomy. Furthermore, it confirms the key role of the Court in strengthening an arbitration-friendly approach.   Background to the Dispute In 2017, the Ministry…