…such a large regional investment framework would contain such provisions, but the potentially significant effects of ISDS provisions in investment treaties seems to have been outweighed by other considerations. Historically,…

…while national laws are widely used as framework for international arbitration, a number of initiatives have emerged aiming at creating intrinsically international rules (soft law instruments). A recently published empirical…

…case, their absence). Given the notorious difficulty in dealing with corruption issues in arbitration, this approach can be a useful guidance for future cases. Inferring corruption from circumstantial evidence It…

…familiar with recurring problems. This is particularly true as courts adopt “pro-arbitration” policies towards enforcement of arbitration clauses and arbitration awards. Finally, driven by the increasingly keen competition among jurisdictions…

On 20 December 2013, the final phase in the Indus Waters Kishenganga Arbitration was completed with the rendering of a Final Award by the seven-member Court of Arbitration (“Court”) tasked…

…to be better known. IBA Guidelines for Drafting International Arbitration Clauses (2010): Arbitration clauses are the door to arbitration and determine the main procedural aspects of a case. Several checklists…