At a conference a few years back, a well-known and respected arbitrator was speaking on the topic of predictability and consistency of arbitral decision making in investment treaty arbitration. The…

Arbitration Chapter 14: Procedures in International Arbitration Chapter 15: Disclosure in International Arbitration Chapter 16: Provisional Measures in International Arbitration Chapter 17: Consolidation, Joinder and Intervention in International Arbitration Chapter…

The U.S. Federal Arbitration Act (FAA) provides that a federal district court may vacate an arbitration award, among other reasons, “where there was evident partiality or corruption in the arbitrators.”…

…the situation of an investor whose investment is threatened but he does not have access to ICSID arbitration. Is corporate restructuring an option? For this purpose, treaty-shopping may be defined…

…HKL resisted Rizq’s application, saying that the arbitration clause was inoperable because there was no entity in Singapore named the “Arbitration Committee”. Rizq argued that although the arbitration clause was…

…jurisdictions worldwide, Hong Kong adopts the UNCITRAL Model Law as part of its legal framework for arbitration, through the Hong Kong Arbitration Ordinance (Cap. 609)). In a controversial judgment in…