…that this recovery process could become indefinite. Regarding the full restitution of the uncollected debt, the Tribunal held that it was completely arbitrary because a previous process for negligence2)According to…

…an introduction to the concept of the Metaverse, following which Lester Schiefelbein (Schiefelbein Global Dispute Resolution) took the audience into the future. Looking at what the arbitration process may look…

…is depicted as a mass exodus is actually a healthy process, with some withdrawals balanced by some re-joining or renegotiating. The ISDS system needs a vision going forward, which should…

…of practice, and advanced the view that use of the blockchain in arbitration would make the process less cumbersome and expensive. Finally, Ms. Raneda advised that the use of the…

…its definition, spanning the entire arbitration procedure, but she cautioned against falling into ‘due process paranoia’. Finally, Lucy Reed posed the question: ‘AI vs. IA: End of Enlightenment?’. She focused…

…by definition, involves a confidential process and thus, in the absence of arbitral institutions, overt statistics are necessarily hard to come by) are by Government. A recent example was discussed…

After the October 2021’s plebiscite, Chile began the process of drafting a new constitution, which was entrusted to a “Convención Constituyente“. After a year of work, on July 4, 2022,…

…interpretation is definitional: to elucidate the meaning of treaty clauses. The Tribunal was right that interpretation must not be an abstract process (§344), and that the normative environment of the…