…is commercial rather than sovereign. She finally mentioned that the jurisdictional landscape has changed rapidly after the Slovak Republic v. Achmea B.V. (“Achmea”) and the République de Moldavie v Komstroy…

…the latter by the ultimate shareholder of CME; and attempts to resort to remedies not provided for in international investment agreements (“IIAs”), such as in the Achmea v. Slovak Republic…

…purposes of the dispute. Additionally, as has been widely reported, the CJEU clarified that its reasoning in the Achmea ruling regarding the intra-EU objection extended to the ECT. The referral…

…broadly: first, the early cases against Hungary, second, Micula, Achmea, and the following developments regarding the intra-EU ISDS policies, third, Vattenfal and the public outrage against the challenge to the…

…issues around immunity and with the (in)famous Achmea decision affecting the enforcement of extra-EU arbitral awards involving European parties.   Pacific Islands In 2022, this blog’s coverage of ongoing arbitration…

…the jurisdiction of investor-State tribunals post-Achmea. She built upon her book contribution to explain that investor-State tribunals have repeatedly relied on these same Articles to reject such objections. Even the…

…to allow arbitral tribunals to file a request for preliminary ruling under Article 267 TFEU. Another panelist commented that, in light of Achmea, subsequent developments like Komstroy and—for certain practitioners—the…