…an overview. Conditions Precedent The respondent filed for the annulment of an award rendered in an arbitration governed by the Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”) Rules raising three grounds, all…

…participate in the arbitration or eliminating the legal status and legality of a plaintiff’s standing to sue and to participate in the arbitration in accordance with law. The parties to…

Investment treaty arbitration tribunals have addressed issues surrounding State intervention and States’ regulatory freedom time and time again, consequently creating guiding precedent regarding State conduct that could constitute breaches of…

…workshop discussed how international arbitration gives effect to the legal rights of parties through granting them different remedies. During the workshop, eminent arbitrators, in-house counsel, and arbitration practitioners analyzed the

…not only the VIAC’s Rules of Arbitration (2017) (“VIAC Rules”), but also Vietnam’s arbitration-related legislation. He also regularly lectures on commercial arbitration and sits as an arbitrator in both international…

the three DSU provisions on arbitration, Article 25 is the only provision that enables WTO Members to use arbitration as an independent means of dispute settlement (by contrast, arbitration under

arbitration.   Render unto Caesar Although not ground-breaking, the Zamin case resurfaces the debate on jurisdiction in cases where judicial reorganization and arbitration proceedings run in parallel. While the reorganization…