…Defendants at Café Focaccia on 1st Avenue in New York City, Mera had signed a contract including a broadly-worded arbitration agreement (“Arbitration Agreement” or “Agreement”) governed by the Federal Arbitration

…SIAC (SIAC Rules 2016, Rule 39.1); (2) HKIAC (2018 HKIAC Administered Rules, Article 45.4); and (3) LCIA (LCIA Arbitration Rules 2020, Article 30.2). This may become material when the seat…

…am contemplating starting a new course on ‘Investment Arbitration and Non-Investment Concerns’, which will build on the knowledge imparted in the IIA course.   Diversity Challenge I undertook my LLM…

…by arbitral tribunals, the relationship between the judiciary and arbitration in Mexico, ESG considerations in arbitration, investment arbitration in Latin America, amici curiae in arbitral proceedings, diversity in arbitration, and…

From 29 May to 1 June 2023, Mexico Arbitration Center (“CAM”), the Mediation and Arbitration Commission of the Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City (“CANACO”), and the CAM/CANACO Young Arbitrators…

…available remedies and how to action them. For example, under some IIA, pursuing local remedies will preclude international arbitration. Hire specialized legal advice to avoid unfavorable outcomes, especially regarding concession…

…current institutional rules nor the 2020 IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (IBA Rules) restrict the use of XR per se. Generally, under national arbitration legislation…

Rules, art. 14.1) and recognise the tribunal’s power to “emplo[y] technology to enhance the efficiency and expeditious conduct of the arbitration” (LCIA Rules, art. 14.6(iii)), and to “adopt suitable procedures…

…by this blog, speakers discussed the role and future of investment and commercial arbitration and mediation, international legal principles, and best practices in the field – providing a microcosm for…