…applying to all third-party funders who fund arbitrations “taking place” in HK. This Code of Practice sets out that (i) there must be the informed consent of the funded party,…

…not prejudge the merits (e.g., measures aimed at preservation of evidence or production of documents or security for costs). According to Sébastien Besson, the notion of provisional measures has evolved…

…Webb explained that both States and investors can be under pressure. Taking the example of pollution issues, Mr. Webb explained that where the contract is silent on the matter, the

…into creating initiatives to harmonize approaches of common law and civil law systems by enacting the UNCITRAL Model Law and the International Bar Association’s soft law rules on procedures catering…

…on the procedural rules and process that they consider most appropriate, including expedited proceedings or recourse to an emergency arbitrator.   Effective Arbitration Clauses and Important Pitfalls to Avoid The

…one, parties may begin taking steps to prepare, including by conducting a preliminary cost/benefit analysis, gathering and reviewing documents, interviewing witnesses, identifying and meeting with potential experts, meeting to confer…

…Agreement’s MFN clause to import UNCITRAL Rules in other BITs where the Secretary-General of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (“PCA”) is the appointing authority. He has done so on several…