In a recent decision, Court of Cassation No. 585/2023 (Commercial), the Dubai Court of Cassation (“COC”) concluded that the invalidity of a contract extends to the arbitration clause included in the underlying contract. This post blog examines this decision, the outcome of which is contrary to well-established UAE law as well as prior Dubai court…

The Vienna International Arbitral Centre of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (VIAC)’s Selected Arbitral Awards are intended to provide a unique and valuable insight into a diverse range of important and challenging procedural and substantive issues, which have arisen in international arbitration under the auspices of the Vienna Rules since its inception in 1975. The…

The Seoul ADR Festival (“SAF”) 2023, hosted by the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board (“KCAB”) INTERNATIONAL, was held from 30 October to 3 November 2023. The 12th Asia-Pacific ADR Conference, the flagship event of SAF 2023, took place on 1 November 2023 and was attended by approximately 300 participants on-site as well as other attendees simultaneously joining the conference…

On the first day of the 2023 Seoul ADR Festival, Secretariat Advisors hosted a double feature of panels relating to arbitration costs. The first panel focusing on the recovery of arbitration costs featured James Chun (foreign attorney, Kim & Chang), Inkoo Lee (manager, Secretariat), and Bruno Savoie (foreign attorney, City-Yuwa Partners). Messrs. Lee and Savoie…

On December 30, 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China (“SPC”) released its 36th batch of six guiding cases, all of which relate to the judicial review of arbitration awards. Our previous article focused on the first three guiding cases (Guiding Cases 196, 197, and 198) which addressed several critical issues…

Readers with antennas tuned to the happenings of the reform process for investor-State dispute settlement at UNCITRAL will know that the topics of damages and causation are on the agenda.  Indeed, at the last sessional meeting of Working Group III, draft provisions on damages and causation were discussed.  These provisions might find their way into…

Since 2016, when the first issue of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review was published, the Review has tracked developments in the new and increasingly important field of European investment law and arbitration. The Review is still the only law journal that specifically focuses on the impact that EU law has on bilateral investment…

According to a 2022 report by a cryptocurrency payment gateway company, since the cryptocurrency boom in 2017, Korea has truly become the “crypto hub of Asia,” powering nearly 30% of all cryptocurrency trades. But the unfortunate reality of these voluminous Korea-powered trades is that related disputes will inevitably arise. It is no secret that many…

“You want to tell us you don’t want to sow, you want to reap” asked the Nigerian appointed arbitrator, Chief Bayo OJO, during oral argument in the arbitration proceedings, to which Nigerian counsel, Chief Ayorinde, responded: “You cannot reap where you do not sow. That is a very Nigerian saying.” (Nigeria v. Process & Industrial…

For the centenary anniversary of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, this year’s ICC New York Conference on International Arbitration convened over 330 international arbitration practitioners, in-house counsel, academics, students, and outside counsel from 36 countries in the heart of New York City. As ICC Secretary General John W. H. Denton highlighted in his opening…

The English Commercial Court’s September 4, 2020 decision in P&ID v. Nigeria (P&ID) agreed to halt enforcement due to a prima facie case of fraud. This decision introduced a novel perspective to the legal discourse of extension of time to challenge an arbitral award. In particular, the court determined to extend the time to challenge an…

The Guatemalan Constitutional Court (“Court”) recently ruled that a dispute can be too complex for an arbitral tribunal to decide for the umpteenth time. For context, the Court has jurisdiction to rule on the constitutionality of Guatemalan laws upon the request of an interested party. In a recent decision, the Court was tasked with deciding…

Is emergency arbitration’s Achilles’ heel? Or the most effective route out? In which scenarios are parties better advised to turn to state courts for interim relief? Will commercial courts become the new kids on the block, offering a better bet than (emergency) arbitrators for cross-border disputes? These were only a few of the questions discussed…

On 14 September 2023, the DIS Autumn Conference “A World Map of Arbitration in the 21st Century – and What to Find in Germany” showcased Germany’s eminent position in the field. While arbitration hubs like Paris and London enjoy widespread renown, Germany, often underappreciated internationally, offers its own legacy and contemporary prowess. As summarised in…

The Institute of Transnational Arbitration (ITA), in collaboration with the ITA Board of Reporters, is happy to inform you that the latest ITA Arbitration Report was published: a free email subscription service available at delivering timely reports on awards, cases, legislation and current developments from over 60 countries and 12 institutions. To get your free subscription to the ITA…

Over two hundred registrants convened on the historic trading floor of the Toronto Stock Exchange on October 19 for the ICC Canada Conference to explore forces and technologies driving change in the practice of international dispute resolution. The conference kicked-off with Myriam Seers’ (ICC Canada Chair, Agora) introduction to a video address from Claudia Salomon…

On October 18, 2023, during the 2023 Canadian Arbitration Week, members of the Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners (“YCAP“) gathered at Arbitration Place in Toronto, Canada, to discuss the role of tribunal secretaries. Moderator Philippe Boisvert (BLG) and four distinguished panelists – Anne-Marie Lacoste (Quinn Emanuel), Annie Lespérance (Jus Mundi), Kevin Nash (SIAC), and Elsa Sardinha…

Practitioners from Canada and around the world gathered in Toronto from October 16-18, 2023, for the fourth iteration of CanArb Week. The week opened with a keynote address from Canada’s Ambassador to the United Nations, the Hon. Robert Rae, who invoked Blaise Pascal with a reminder that “law without force is powerless, but force without…

Prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in ZF Automotive US, Inc. v. Luxshare, Ltd., 142 S. Ct. 2078 (June 13, 2022), certain Circuits permitted parties to private international commercial arbitrations to avail themselves of U.S. discovery proceedings via 28 U.S.C. §1782 (“§1782” or “Section 1782”).  The Supreme Court’s decision in ZF Automotive removed that option….

Generally, by virtue of the principle of territoriality, the national courts of a State have jurisdiction only over persons and acts committed within the territory. In this context, the national courts of a State do not have jurisdiction to set aside an award or an order issued in the context of an arbitration whose seat…

Large cases with detailed, extensive submissions and hundreds, if not thousands, of annexes, often lead to a degree of complexity that is hardly digestible. The handling of such cases, most prominently of delay and disruption claims, therefore poses a challenge to practitioners, experts and arbitrators. Common law jurisdictions have developed a specific way to deal…

The Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC) returned to Manila in full force in 2023. While the last SIAC Manila Conference 2019 was an intimate gathering of only 80 participants, this year’s ‘SIAC Manila Conference 2023: Deep Dive into Arbitration Trends’ held on 25 May 2023 attracted more than 800 registrants, and SIAC had to cap…

On 16 June 2023, the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (“STJ”) resolved the Appeal in Special Appeal n. 1,905,505/SP (“Appeal”), reported by Justice Francisco Falcão. The decision was appealed, so that the case will still be judged by the STJ’s second chamber. Nonetheless, the decision is a relevant development concerning arbitration with public entities in…

On 11 August 2023, the Santiago Arbitration and Mediation Center (“CAM Santiago”) – Chile’s main arbitration center – presented its new regulation on emergency arbitration, which was incorporated into the 2021 National Arbitration Rules (the “CAM Santiago Arbitration Rules”). The amended version of these rules also came into effect recently, on 1 September 2023.  …