On May 9, 2023, the Arbitration Channel, a pioneer Brazilian institution in the dissemination and promotion of arbitration internationally, held the XVII Rio de Janeiro International Arbitration Conference (“Rio Arbitration…

…commercial arbitration in Brazil. Then, why does it exist? Contextualizing the ADI: A Political Movement Against Arbitration in Brazil The ADI is part of a rather obscure movement in Brazil….

…and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada, São Paulo, Brazil). Each noted that technology and renewable energy disputes are becoming increasingly common within their organizations. Ms. Salomon said they…

…Court of Justice of Brazil, Conflito de Competência nº 185.702/DF, 22 June 2022 Joao Bosco Lee, Lee, Taube, Gabardo Sociedade de Advogados, ITA Reporter for Brazil Preliminarily, the Brazilian Superior…

…PCA’s strong presence in the region. Indeed, the PCA has concluded these agreements with Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In part because of this strong network and…

…event, organized by Center for Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (“CAM-CCBC”), and is conceived as a calendar for law firms, universities, associations, and institutions to promote…

The IXth Edition of the CAM-CCBC Arbitration Congress took place on 17 – 18 October 2022, in São Paulo, Brazil. The congress brought together practitioners to discuss “the today and…

In line with current discussions in Brazil’s arbitration community, especially in the context of Brazilian party leaders’ initiative to call for a vote on a controversial bill to amend the…

…which other countries? England and Wales Germany Australia Singapore Brazil None of the above Answer: F, none of the above. The almost complete absence of deposition practice from legal systems…

…for both international and domestic arbitrations in Brazil. Unsurprisingly, institutions like the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Brazil Branch), the Brazilian Arbitration Committee, the Brazilian Institute of Civil Procedure, and many…