The Qatar International Centre for Conciliation and Arbitration (“QICCA”) has recently introduced new arbitration rules, effective from 1 January 2025 (“2024 Arbitration Rules”). These revised rules are aligned with global best practices and aim to enhance the efficiency, transparency, and flexibility of the arbitration process, solidifying QICCA’s position as a leading international arbitration institution within…

Sir David Williams KC is an Associate Member of Bankside Chambers, Auckland, New Zealand. Sir David is a former Justice of the High Court of New Zealand, the High Court of the Cook Islands, and the Court of the Dubai International Financial Centre. Since 2005, Sir David has been consistently praised as “one of the…

2024 appeared to be one of the busiest years for investor-State dispute settlement (“ISDS”) reform, with significant advances in the United Nations Commission on Trade Law (“UNCITRAL”) Working Group III discussions and the adoption of the modernized Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”). This post exclusively focuses on Working Group III’s key milestones in 2024 and relevant…

The doctrine of sovereign immunity has long been a cornerstone of international law, shielding states from enforcement actions. Sovereign immunity can be subdivided in two: immunity from jurisdiction and immunity from execution. While immunity from jurisdiction means that domestic courts are prevented to hear and decide cases involving another sovereign state, immunity from execution precludes…

On the opening day of the inaugural Japan International Arbitration Week, November 18, 2024, YSIAC held a panel discussion titled “Arbitration as an Advantage: Strategic Use of International Arbitration for Business Success,” in Tokyo, Japan, bringing together leading in-house counsel and private practitioners to discuss the strategic use of international arbitration by companies across various…

Latin America continues to be a hotspot for investment arbitration. In 2024, investment arbitration in Latin America saw significant activity and notable developments. In addition to seeing a steady increment in arbitration cases, 2024 witnessed important legal reforms and evolving trends that are reshaping the region’s approach to investment and investor-State dispute settlement (“ISDS”). This…

The Swiss Arbitration Summit is back! Following the resounding success from its first edition in Geneva last year, the second edition of the Summit is scheduled to take place this year in Zurich from January 29, 2025 to February 2, 2025. The Summit is more than just a conference. It is an immersive experience that…

Welcome to the Kluwer Arbitration Blog and our “Interviews with our Editors” series, Ms. Falconer!   1. Could you please briefly introduce yourself and share with our readers how your legal journey brought you to the field of international arbitration? Yes, of course! My name is Caroline Falconer, Secretary General (“SG”) of the SCC Arbitration…

2024 has been another fruitful year for arbitration developments in the British Isles. As part of the 2024 Year in Review series, this post considers the key judicial, legislative and institutional developments in England and Wales in the past year, as well as highlights from Ireland’s arbitration landscape.   Judicial Developments in England and Wales…

On September 15, 2024, the former President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, enacted a law that profoundly modifies the Mexican judicial system at both the federal and local level. This law aims to transform the Mexican juridical system to promote accessibility, transparency, democracy, and efficiency. A significant change is the election of justices and…

The Patel Engineering Limited (“PEL”) v the Republic of Mozambique tribunal, constituted under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, dealt with pre-investment expenditures and whether such expenditures constitute a protected investment. Investors frequently make expenditures in the preparatory phase of an investment, such as environmental impact assessments, scientific surveys, or financial advice. When are these expenditures considered…

After concluding the first day of the 22nd ICC Miami Conference with a dinner and a fun party that kept the attendees dancing until late at night, the conference promptly resumed the next morning. Day 2 (December 3, 2024) featured an exciting lineup of discussions on various topics, including the ICC’s own Terms of Reference…

On December 2 and 3, 2024, the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”) hosted the 22nd ICC Miami Conference on International Arbitration, which brought together over 800 participants from all over the world to discuss critical developments in international arbitration in Latin America, making it the largest ICC conference ever held. Honoring its title “Revisiting the…

In 2024, the relationship between arbitration and technology continued to resemble a thriller. While integrating technology into arbitration offered the promise of new opportunities, it also introduced new layers of complexity, both in terms of procedure and in terms of disputes arising from technology itself.   Arbitration-Related Technology Arbitration-related technology is ever-developing, as are the…

Following the Blog’s tradition of “year-in-review” series, this post reflects on the key arbitration developments in the Netherlands in 2024. What emerges from this review is the Netherlands’ strong arbitration-friendly culture, notably reflected in the release of the 2024 Netherlands Arbitration Institute (“NAI”) Arbitration Rules and a pro-arbitration stance in court decisions. However, a notable…

On October 18, 2024, the Santiago Court of Appeals rejected a petition seeking the annulment of an international arbitration award, once again providing strong arguments in favor of the validity of international commercial awards (Case No. 12506-2022). In the twenty years since the enactment of the International Commercial Arbitration Law (ICAL) No. 19971, no international…

The year 2024 witnessed notable advancements in the Southeast Asian arbitration and dispute resolution landscape. Key developments included legislative reforms, initiatives to strengthen arbitration and legal frameworks, and landmark judicial decisions. Here’s a closer look at last year’s highlights.   Significant Advancements in Dispute Resolution Frameworks Southeast Asian countries launched modernised arbitration laws and innovative…

On 13 September 2024, the German Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht, “BVG” or “the Court”) published two judgments dated 23 July 2024 (available here and here, both in German), accompanied by a press release (here), rejecting as inadmissible two constitutional complaints brought by the claimant in the Eureko (later Achmea) v Slovakia (1) arbitration (“BVG Judgments”).  While other commentators…

Emergency arbitration (“EA”) was initially introduced as a procedural tool on an opt-out basis in arbitrations under the American Arbitration Association-International Centre for Dispute Resolution Rules. In 2010, the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (“SIAC”) became the first institution based in Asia to introduce EA provisions in its arbitral rules. This has since been followed by…

On 4 September 2024, Delos hosted the “Delos GAP Symposium 2024” at the Paris Arbitration Centre by Delos. The topic of this year’s symposium was “Corruption & International Arbitration”. After opening remarks by Mr Thomas Granier (Anima Dispute Resolution) and Mr Hafez Virjee (Delos; Virjee Arbitration), the symposium was kicked-off with a panel discussion on…

The third updated edition of the “Report on compliance with investment treaty awards by States” (the “2024 Report”) was released in November 2024. The Report was conducted in the summer of 2024 by the present author (see for coverage of the 2023 version of the report here and here). In light of the termination of intra-EU international…

Earlier this year, the Bombay High Court  in  Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. v. Shilpi Engineering Pvt. Ltd. (“Balmer Lawrie Decision”) reviewed an application to stay the enforcement of an arbitral award for payment of money (“Money Award”). The award debtor (“Applicant”) had already provided a 100% bank guarantee for the Money Award amount (plus…

The EU-Angola Sustainable Investment Facilitation Agreement (“SIFA” or the “Agreement”) aims at facilitating sustainable investments. Contrary to traditional investment treaties, it does not include substantive protection standards nor investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms. Rather, it seeks to enhance the regulatory landscape of the Parties to make it more investor-friendly. In this post, I wish to focus…

The modernisation of the Energy Charter Treaty (“ECT”), which essentially started in 2018, resulted in an agreement in principle (“AIP”) on modernising the ECT in June 2022. The modernised ECT should have been adopted by the Energy Charter Conference (“Conference”) in November 2022. However, it was not adopted until 3 December 2024 due to a…