…concerning: the role of ESG principles in international arbitration, ESG as an often-discussed topic, arbitration and the environment, arbitration and business & human rights, and fraud and corruption in arbitration….

the dispute. Justice Aurangzeb also identified the challenges for ADR and arbitration as reflected in Pakistan’s legal system itself. The Arbitration Act 1940 (“1940 Act”), as applicable in Pakistan, is…

…by the government under the new energy policies but rather involve discriminatory or unlawful actions taken by the state-owned enterprises and Ministries against private companies under the 2013 energy legislation….

…of the arbitration agreement, but also on particularities of the Arbitration Acts of Alberta and Ontario. While the panelist would not suggest addressing arbitrator resignations in the arbitration agreement itself,…

…Section 44 (Court Powers Supporting Arbitral Proceedings) Emergency arbitration is a new phenomenon which post-dates the Act. The Paper provisionally concludes that the provisions which apply to arbitrators should not…

…disputes administered under the previous ICSID Arbitration Rules would have been conducted more efficiently. The potential shortcomings of the new rules will become apparent when arbitrators apply them in practice….

…importantly, the new Sierra Leone Arbitration Act establishes the first Sierra Centre for International Arbitration with its own rules. Further, Dr. Okubote elaborated on the AfCFTA and its forthcoming Protocol…

…discussed during the negotiations of the ISDS provisions in the ECT. In particular, he noted that the provisions related to frivolous claims and third-party funding obligations were inspired by the

…expedited arbitration rules that will potentially become globally accepted standards of efficiency. Taking a step further, he suggested that expedited arbitration could even become the default procedure in arbitration. Ms….

…promoting arbitration. Overall, the regional interest in arbitration is on the rise and the region’s dysfunctional and slow judicial systems tend to prove a ripe environment for arbitration to flourish….