The issue of the governing law of the arbitration agreement was brought into the spotlight with the U.K. Supreme Court decision in Enka v. Chubb (discussed on the Blog here and here), and it became a hotly debated topic following the conflicting decisions from French and English courts on Kabab-Ji SAL (Lebanon) v. Kout Food…

On 7 March 2023, Paul Friedland (Partner, White & Case LLP) delivered the 2023 Proskauer Lecture on International Arbitration at the New York offices of Proskauer Rose LLP.  Founded in 2013, the Proskauer Lecture provides an annual public forum to expand the horizons of international arbitration through the contributions of leading thinkers and practitioners.  Peter…

We are happy to inform you that the latest issue of the journal is now available and includes the following contributions:   Gauthier Vannieuwenhuyse, Exploring the Suitability of Arbitration for Settling ESG and Human Rights Disputes Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) and Human Rights (HR) have become two of the most widely discussed topics in…

“Crypto assets” are a relatively new phenomenon. Born in 2008 with the creation of Bitcoin, they have since massively increased in price, adoption rate, and popularity, at least until 2021, when the overall market value peaked. After such highs, we entered a “crypto winter” (explored on the blog here), with a reported drop of over…

We are happy to inform you that the latest issue of the journal is now available and includes the following contributions:   Klaus Peter Berger, Contractual Arbitration Clauses and Non-Contractual Claims Are non-contractual claims such as tort claims covered by standard arbitration clauses? Italian arbitration law contains a provision which seems to resolve this issue…

The Institute of Transnational Arbitration (ITA), in collaboration with the ITA Board of Reporters, is happy to inform you that the latest ITA Arbitration Report was published: a free email subscription service available at delivering timely reports on awards, cases, legislation and current developments from over 60 countries and 12 institutions. To get your free subscription to the ITA…

The first-ever Delhi Arbitration Weekend (DAW) was held between February 16-19, 2023 and attracted a sizable number of participants including delegates from 14 countries. The DAW, which was conceptualized by the Delhi High Court and the Delhi International Arbitration Centre, also attracted the participation of senior members of the judiciary and government alike, including the…

Introduction ChatGPT is short for “Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer”.  It is an artificially intelligent text generation bot that can have a conversation.  It does so by using a language processing algorithm called a “Transformer”, which generates natural language responses to user input. There are various user platforms, for example,  ChatGPT is simple, like any…

On 9 March 2023, the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”), the National Committee (“ICC Brasil”) and the ICC Court of Arbitration (“ICC Court”)  held the 11th ICC Brazilian Arbitration Day (“ICC BAD” or “Conference”) in São Paulo. This Conference has been organized since 2015, aiming at enhancing practical and theoretical discussions on trend topics related…

As arbitration lawyers, we often reflect on the power of the written word, but rarely do we consider the design’s role in emulating the tone of the word or sentence. With the same emphasis as we strive not to talk in a monotone at a hearing, we should strive to give our written submission the…

Under the UNCITRAL Model Law and the laws of many ‘arbitration friendly’ jurisdictions, courts must refer a matter subject to a valid and operative arbitration agreement to arbitration if requested by a party within the relevant time period. The principle of kompetenz-kompetenz prescribes that an arbitral tribunal may determine its own jurisdiction (which necessarily includes…

Witness testimony is a core component of the arbitral process and is often integral to the Tribunal’s fact-finding exercise. But the reliability of witness evidence has come under increased scrutiny in recent years because of the degree of counsel involvement in the preparation and presentation of witness evidence, both prior to and at the hearing….

Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) issues were again in the spotlight on the very last day of the Paris Arbitration Week (PAW). A panel discussion was organized by Fieldfisher on “The power of “proportionality” – a sleeping giant of a concept in investment arbitration”, with Lucas Bastin KC (Essex Court Chambers), Jackie McArthur (Essex Court Chambers),…

In the course of the 2023 Paris Arbitration Week, Jeantet organized a round table on “Arbitrating Renewable Energy Disputes, with a Special Focus on the CEE Region”. The panel was composed of Caroline Falconer (Secretary General of the SCC Arbitration Institute), Jurriaan Kien, (Legal Director New Energies & Services, SBM Offshore), Edoardo Marcenaro, (Head of…

In 2022, Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre’s (HKIAC) arbitration caseload reached its highest level in over a decade. The statistics demonstrate the steady strength of Hong Kong (“HK”) as a seat for arbitration. As the global economy turns towards Asia, increased commercial and investment activity will lead to increased disputes and demand for effective dispute…

As the 2023 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) unfolded, Bredin Prat organized a discussion on Day 3 on the strategic tools that arbitrating parties can resort to in the context of provisional measures and emergency arbitrator requests as well as potential hurdles and strategies to avoid them. The panel was composed of Dr. Sébastien Besson, Barton…

Following an exciting opening day (see here and here), on Day 2 of Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) Jus Mundi hosted a discussion on “Striking a Sustainable Deal: Balancing State Responsibility and Investor Rights in Mining”. The panel was moderated by Alexandre Vagenheim (Jus Mundi) and included Diora Ziyaeva (Dentons), William Kirtley (Aceris Law), Mark Johns (Exponent)…

Over the past century, the waves of “resource nationalism” have affected foreign investments through government measures, ranging from policy changes, tax regimes and repatriation of profits to expropriation without compensation. Day 2 of the 2023 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) saw Jones Day hosting a conference on “Resource Nationalism in Investor-State Arbitration”. The panel was composed…

2023 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW) gathered over 1,400 attendees, in person and online, and featured over 145 events over five days. Kluwer Arbitration Blog is the official media partner of PAW. The first day of PAW kicked off with the keynote address by Dr Yas Banifatemi, founding partner of Gaillard Banifatemi Shelbaya Disputes. In keeping…

As part of Day 1 of the 2023 Paris Arbitration Week (PAW), Laborde Law and Honlet Legum organised a discussion between Meg Kinnear (ICSID, Secretary General), Toby Landau KC (Duxton Hill Chambers), and Prof. Alain Pellet (Paris X University) on “The Future of Investment Arbitration?”. The event was moderated by Gustavo Laborde (Laborde Law), Jean-Christophe…

The first edition of the ICC Argentine Arbitration Day was held on March 13, 2023, and featured a series of side events during March 12 and March 14. This long-awaited edition, hosted during the Centenary of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, proposed an ambitious schedule both in terms of content and speakers. The aim…

This post continues the coverage of the 1st ICC Argentine Arbitration Day 2023 that is available in Part 1.   Panel III – Debate on Economic Sanctions: A High Impact Phenomenon The third panel involved an absorbing discussion with respect to economic sanctions and its impact on arbitrators and arbitral institutions. This panel was moderated by…

Independence and impartiality of an arbitral tribunal has been fundamental to arbitration and was recently re-emphasized by major decisions in common law jurisdictions including by the UK (Halliburton v. Chubb) and Indian (Perkins Eastman v. HSCC) Supreme Courts. However, independence and impartiality in arbitration is not a common law question and is deeper seated and…

Since 2020 insolvency activity in Spain slowed down because of the moratorium declared by the Spanish government in the wake of Covid-19, under which the obligation to file for insolvency was suspended until 30 June 2022. Perhaps unsurprisingly, official statistics for the third quarter of 2022 showed a dramatic increase in the insolvency declarations within…