due process is affected. Nonetheless, it requires arbitral tribunals to move forward with a hearing, where the intervention of the tribunal is urgently required and when the parties request so….

…the investor-State dispute lifecycle. For example, during the pre-arbitration negotiation and consultation process (e.g. Art. 23.1, Australia-Hong Kong Investment Agreement (2019), Art. 9.16, Central America-Republic of Korea FTA (2018), and…

…Institutionalisation would introduce a degree of internal monitoring and transparency in a process that is often conducted under complete confidentiality. This could help facilitate settlements by reducing the chances of…

…such awards may be enforced through the New York Convention or the International Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) enforcement process. Absent the Singapore Convention, it is likely…

…arbitration’s perceived deficiencies. Investor-State mediation, in particular, is gaining increased prominence in reform agendas. ‘Mediation’ refers to a dispute settlement process in which a third party assists the disputing parties…

…of justice. However, no law or regulation explicitly deals with the registration process for foreign arbitration institutions. It seemed that only Chinese arbitration commissions are entitled to administer arbitrations with…

…less time-consuming and costly process. The following summarizes the key tools aimed at reducing time and costs. Sole arbitrator (draft provision 7) The EAPs presume that there will be a…

…of) due process and fairness. In recent years, due process and its paranoia have taken a central stage, of particular curiosity when combined with expedited anything (A/CN.9/WG.II/WP.214, para. 93). Most…

…less complicated and lower-value disputes with a “fast-track” procedure. This provides greater efficiency and lower costs, while ensuring due process, fairness and effectiveness. Introducing expedited provisions to parties who chose…

…expedited arbitration provisions. ICSID Arbitration Rules and UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, the main arbitration rules currently used for investment arbitration proceedings, are in the process of approving their first sets of…

…arbitration in the top-level policy-making process for China’s alternative dispute resolution system. This system is viewed as important support for China to build its business environment in line with the…