Arbitration committee until his appointment to the judiciary. Chief Justice Whitten’s work in Tonga has included consulting on the International Arbitration Bill, following Tonga’s accession to the New York Convention…

As set out in our last blog post on evidentiary issues in international arbitrations, the treatment of evidence within the field of international arbitration is oftentimes inconsistent and even unpredictable…

…disputes have been frequent in investment arbitration and because international investment law also protect private rights vis-à-vis regulatory action (see Dingwall’s exhaustive analysis). The ISA’s obligation to “uniformly apply” its…

…Constitution sets forth a general rule that excludes the possibility of investment arbitration under international arbitration rules (with some exceptions, such as sunset clauses). Article 320 provides that: “All foreign…

…the agreement to an arbitration agreement, and the athlete is thereby “forced” into arbitration (here: a disciplinary CAS arbitration concerning alleged violations of anti-doping rules), the arbitration agreement is invalid…

…Uzbek arbitration legislation into line with international laws and norms, such as the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration 1985, with amendments as adopted in 2006. Arbitration is still…

…and the Council, asserting that EU law must have primacy, urged an end to intra-EU investment arbitration. Member States’ Declarations of 15 and 16 January 2019 also considered ISDS clauses…

…will apply as a substantive rule of arbitration law, not through [Singapore’s arbitration legislation], but from the common law.” In light of the review of the Arbitration Act 1996, it…