rules and then the arbitrator’s disclosure duty under article 1456 CPC, expressly stated that its content was not limited to what was foreseen under the arbitration rules chosen by the

…is a place which where the enforcement of international arbitration awards is frequently sought. In light of the above, one would expect Cyprus to be arbitration-friendly for the above purposes….

…for overzealous lawyering and foster good faith in arbitration.   Boris CATZEFLIS, Dorothee SCHRAMM, Statutory Arbitration Clauses of Swiss Companies Boris CATZEFLIS and Dorothee SCHRAMM examine arbitration clauses included in…

arbitration at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre. If both parties fail to reach a consensus on the outcome of the arbitration at the Singapore International Arbitration Centre, either party has…

the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules by an Austrian and a Croatian bank, Raiffeisen Bank International and Raiffeisen Bank Austria, against Croatia based on the 1997 Agreement between the Republic of Austria…

…rooted in contract”.18)Sundaresh Menon, “Arbitration’s Blade: International Arbitration and the Rule of Law” (2021) 38(1) Journal of International Arbitration 1 at 9. The difficulty in applying the “tribunal versus claim”…

…recently organised the first-ever gathering in VR for international arbitration practitioners, we share some thoughts on the potential and limitations of this new medium for international dispute resolution. As we…

…international arbitration instruments. Ukraine is party to the New York Convention and its International Arbitration Law is nearly a verbatim translation of the UNCITRAL Model Law (1985 version). Ukraine also…

…In essence, the Arbitral Tribunal found that 1) Venezuela’s consent to arbitration under the ICSID Additional Facility Rules (AF Rules) (in accordance with the relevant provisions of the applicable BITs)…

…TPF in investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), including publication of the VIAC Rules of Investment Arbitration and Mediation (VIAC Investment Arbitration Rules), have enticed us to revisit the subject. TPF continues…