Arbitration and Conciliation Rules and the Institution Rules require the approval of two-thirds of the Administrative Council for the rules to be amended. As we await the outcome of the

…third party funding costs in arbitration, but leaves open the question of whether the difference in recovery between litigation and arbitration should be permitted.   The foundation laid down in…

…any sanctioned Russian party can avail itself of these provisions, or (2) whether they only apply when sanctions effectively prevent the sanctioned party from participating in a foreign-seated arbitration. In…

…that may affect a potential arbitrator’s impartiality or independence is indeed a well-established practice in international arbitration as well as a requirement in virtually all institutional arbitration rules and in…

Arbitration Center (“APMAC”) and its parent organization KCAB could amend the APMAC rules and beyond to achieve global prominence. The Hong Kong Maritime Arbitration Group swiftly adopted new Terms and…

…Commerce Court of Arbitration, JAMS International, Korean Commercial Arbitration Board, London Court of International Arbitration, Silicon Valley Arbitration & Mediation Center, Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration, Singapore International Arbitration Centre,…

…(AMCHAM Peru) published new Arbitration Rules, which entered in force in July 2021, replacing the 2013 Arbitration Rules. The rules incorporate provisions on the scrutiny of awards, multiparty and multiple-contract…

…2018 (“Arbitration Law”) is a procedural law given that it contains the procedural rules of arbitration and is therefore part of “the rules of procedure” envisaged in Article III of…

Once upon a time, not so long ago, the two legal orders of on the one hand, international investment law (i.e., International Investment Agreements (IIAs) and investor-State arbitration provisions (ISDS)),…

legal regime relied upon by the investors in making long-term investments” (Antin v. Spain). They have also analyzed the interaction between the ECT and other legal regimes – ruling, for…

…in just two cases out of 25 investment arbitration cases”. Beyond the case-law, which has been, thus far, rather restrictive, IIAs and investment arbitration procedural rules further, generally speaking, exclude…

…a sole arbitrator, as having “issued general admonitions to dissuade further instances of allegedly improper conduct and made specific findings regarding the allegedly improper conduct.” That source also added: “During…

…may eventually deal with the issue in set aside proceedings. Foreign parties unfamiliar with Brazilian arbitration rules and law also benefit from the Digest. As a matter of fact, there…