…purpose of the Centre is ‘to provide facilities for conciliation and arbitration of investment disputes’ (Article 1(2)). The Centre will not itself engage in conciliation or arbitration activities. This will…

…local remedies may reduce the need for arbitration. (e.g., Indonesia, Morocco) Maybe Fees and costs should be transparent Establishing transparent fee structures and budgets for the proceedings may encourage efficient

…The twelfth empirical survey of the School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University of London, the 2021 Queen Mary University/W&C International Arbitration Survey (“the Survey”), aimed among others to identify…

The Chinese Arbitration Act (1995) recognizes the principle of competence-competence in Article 20, under which a party challenging the validity of the arbitration agreement may request the relevant arbitration commission…

…the development of arbitration law, Paris Arbitration Week 2019, 4 April 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3nYCp_FgK4 (last accessed 11 May 2021). ↑7 English Arbitration Act 1996, Art. 32. ↑8 French Civil Procedure Code,…

…giving effect to every alleged international arbitration clause or forum selection agreement. Rather, respect for party autonomy means giving effect to those dispute resolution agreements that commercial parties have in…

…in contrast to the New York Convention, as well as national arbitration legislation, which incorporate such safeguards for the recognition of international arbitration agreements and arbitral awards. By omitting these…

…the applicable Singapore Chamber of Maritime Arbitration (SCMA) Rules, the impact of the decision is potentially much further reaching. At first glance it is at odds with common procedural practices…