…a general unwillingness to assume responsibility for voluntary settlements, the politicisation of disputes, negative publicity, and the fear by government officials of being subjected to allegations for corruption or prosecution….

corruption, among other grounds. Ultimately the Tribunal held that there were insufficient red flags directly related to the concession agreement and rejected the corruption allegations. This award demonstrates that the…

…of these queries arose from the uncovering of bad practices and acts of corruption associated to the “Lava Jato” investigation, which managed to permeate arbitration in Latin America.3)The “Lava Jato”…

…policy refers to the issues such as fraud, corruption, breach of natural justice, etc. The French renowned jurist, Philippe Fouchard, stated that “the French procedural public policy underlines rejecting an…

…of bribery and corruption offenses. Given these global developments, it is unsurprising that corruption defenses have become more common in international investment arbitration, and often these corruption investigations occur in…

…it relates to arbitration, it raises several interesting topics, including (i) the way the Tribunal handled the evidence related to acts of corruption and (ii) the intervention of third parties…

…(Paris Court of Appeal, 28 May 2019) – Strong circumstantial evidence of corruption warrants set aside of an award Alongside detailed inquiries as to the jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals (Rusoro,…

…these in my previous post. They include a lack of experience in the local legal profession and judiciary, time delays, a tendency to bias, political complications and corruption. So, how…