arbitration process will understand that these are only apparent difficulties which can be overcome. Optimising the proceedings: Michael Mcilwrath looked into new ways to optimise the international arbitration process, with…

Recently, the first-ever treaty-based arbitration against Norway was registered with ICSID. The Request for Arbitration was submitted by a Latvian investor, Mr. Peteris Pildegovics, and his company, SIA North Star….

…2018 European Court of Justice judgment (Achmea case), where the Court found that investor-State arbitration clauses in [intra-EU BITs] are incompatible with EU Treaties.” The road the EU has taken…

…no meaningful effect of differences between various applicable arbitration rules (e.g. ICSID, UNCITRAL or ICSID Additional Facility), the exact language of the relevant treaty matters. For example, in nearly 80%…

…of legal rules (“a system of principles and rules of contract law which are common to existing national legal systems or best adapted to the special requirements of international commercial…

…Chamber of Commerce applicable to the Ruta del Sol 2 arbitration, there is no reference either. Other international arbitration rules, such as the ICC Rules provide in Article 8 for…

…(b) to encourage African institutions and governments to make express references to virtual hearings in arbitration rules and laws; and (c) to serve as guiding standards, principles, and provisions to…

arbitration, the compromise position adopted by the International Bar Association’s Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration is to permit disclosure of documents where it is “relevant to…

…their arbitration package (at [99]). However, as the arbitration package involves complicated legal discussions onto the legal implications of the different applicable systems of laws, and it is unlikely that…

In January 2009, Professor Roger Alford published the first post on the Kluwer Arbitration Blog (the Blog), launching what is now considered an indispensable tool for arbitration practitioners and academics…

…International Law, which declares the New York Convention applicable without any reciprocity reservation. Consequently, the correct conclusion would have been that Switzerland had bound itself to apply the New York…

…importance of voluntary compliance. It then underlines that the applicable rules related to the removal or challenge of arbitrators, which are separate and different for each institution, continue to apply….