…full evidence to overcome this problem, it would duplicate the arbitral process and allow for messy arguments about admissibility and inconsistency of evidence between the two fora. Such duplication is…

…– which are registered with the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) and being conducted under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules 1976 (UNCITRAL Rules) – the Ukrainian claimants contend that the Russian…

the Taking of Evidence in 1999 which were further updated in 2010 (theIBA Rules”) to offer guidance for arbitral tribunals when dealing with evidentiary issues. The IBA Rules have…

…of rules relating to the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters within the Member States’ territory. Arbitration has always been excluded, not only from the scope…

…that opting for the expedited procedure under SIAC Rules 2010 is indicative of the intention of the parties to accept the SIAC Rules in its entirety and not just one…