…investment treaty arbitrations than those only involving private parties. Judge Brower suggested we should refer to these proceedings as “investomercial arbitration” because “commercial arbitration” is not an adequate term to…

arbitration. Latin American states have been gradually deploying international arbitration to settle trade and investment disputes. However, this evolution has not been linear as international arbitration has also stirred controversy…

…Korean Arbitration Act does not stipulate that if the agreement on arbitral institution is ambiguous, it shall render the consensus of arbitration or the arbitration clause invalid”. The court further…

…the existence of an arbitration agreement.” (emphasis added) This provision and its judicial interpretation necessarily intertwine with fundamental arbitration tenets of minimal judicial intervention and kompetenz kompetenz, enshrined in Sections…

arbitration capacity from and within Africa and encouraging African governments and businesses to appoint African arbitrators and African counsel in their arbitration cases as well including African arbitration forums in…

Introduction The Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”) is a regional arbitration centre created by statue in 1994 as part of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry (the “Chamber”). On…

…amendments – coupled with the issuance of several arbitration-friendly decisions by the Courts have cleared up the doubts generated by the regulation of arbitration in the new National Civil and…

…was both an ICSID investor-state arbitration and CRICA arbitration under the contract. This occurred notwithstanding the different paradigms of the two types of arbitration. What is less clear is whether…

…was significant focus on arbitration as a means of supporting Uzbek investment, development, and effective international dispute resolution. Throughout the Forum speakers discussed the role and future of arbitration, international…