Rules (2014), which include an Annex with “General Guidelines for the Parties’ Legal Representatives.” Other arbitral institutions have similar rules providing for arbitrator discretion in assessing and sanctioning party conduct….

Rules innovate or duplicate existing rules and guidelines, such as the IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence in International Arbitration (the “IBA Rules”) (this section was dealt with by…

…DTTs differ formally in that BITs provide for Investor-State arbitrations as well as State-to-State arbitration, whereas DTTs enable arbitration prompted by the taxpayer between the two tax authorities of the

arbitration law.8)Article 58 of the Egyptian arbitration law. Conclusion The question of arbitration and competition law is a question of equilibrium between both of them in a way to ensure…

arbitration agreement is subject to the jurisdiction of a tribunal formed under the arbitration agreement”2)Do arbitration agreements in bills of lading bind their holders? Watson Farley & Williams, August 2018,…