…on the arbitration of financial services disputes from the perspective of the LCIA. In terms of numbers, the significance of arbitration is not at all neglectable for this sector. Namely,…

The growing repository of international commercial arbitration case data maintained by Dispute Resolution Data (DRD) is designed to enable practitioners to use analytical tools, ranging from simple to complex, for…

new models of Bilateral Investment Treaties, such as the Dutch Model Bilateral Investment Treaty; (ii) the amendment process of the Arbitration Rules of the International Centre for Settlement of Investment…

…before claims can be submitted to a number of fora including arbitration under the ICSID Convention, ICSID Additional Facility Rules, UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules or such other rules that the disputing…

…a foreign-seated arbitration are not enforceable in mainland China either. Given this regime, a party entering into an arbitration agreement with a potential need for interim relief in mainland China…

…day, with the IA-CEPA containing numerous provisions concerning the procedures that will apply in future ISDS proceedings under that treaty. Following the conclusion of IA-CEPA negotiations in 2018, Australia’s Labor…